Sunday, May 23, 2010

Head Boy/Head Girl

Head Boy And Head Girl

As Election is the main Foundation of democracy.Those persons who govern the country are elected by the people.So as was done in St. Teresa Convent School,Sec-25 Pkl,to elect their school Head Boy and head girl. Mukul and Dimple got maximum votes in Boys and Girls were selected as head boy and head girl. Like wise House Captions And Wise Captions were also selected through Votes. On this Principal Congratulated students who were selected but he also told them that their job is not that simple . They have great responsibilities on their shoulders which they have to do with the best of their qulities and they should become the models for others.

Date:- 24.5.10

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Excursion Program

Excursion Program

St.Teresa Convent School, Sec -25, Panchkula organized an excursion program to watch a movie which was kindly sponsored by The Times of India as a NIe programme. Cinema has entered in every branch of knowledge whether it is Science or Technology; cinema comes to the fore front to make every thing appealing. It is the best means of education which can revolutions the field of education. Foreign movie like 2012 have their own significance. These types of movies play a pivotal role for the better ment of the community or the society where we live. A step a day will take us to the other end of the globe. Students learned a lot and hoped to utilize this education to the maximum.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mother's Day Activity

Mother’s Day

As we all know that Mothers are best teachers and friends. The first lesson of good manners is taught at home and all this a child learns in the lap of his mother. To express their feelings towards their mothers different activities were held in St. Teresa Convent School, Sec-25, Pkl. Students of Montessori Classes made photo frames, needle holders and letter holders while students of classes I –II made wall hangings. Card making competition was also held in III-V classes and a photo frame making competition was held in classes VI- VIII in which students expressed their feelings towards their mothers.
As they feel that mothers are their best friends and sacrificed every thing for their well being. The principal said that these activities were intended to enhance the confidence of the students.

“Paid respect to their mothers and highlighted the efforts made by her from time to time”