St. Teresa Convent School
Holiday Homework –
Session 2013 – 14
Class VII
1. All the holiday Homework has to be done in the
Class Notebook or as directed by the Subject Teacher.
2. Students
with best homework would be awarded prizes.
3. Holiday
Homework carries marks towards the Formative Assessment II. Kindly submit the
Holiday Homework within the first week of returning to the school.
4. Each
subject carries 20 marks.
5. If
homework is not submitted in the first week , homework will be evaluated out of
5 marks.
1. Read English newspaper regularly. Select 2 topics related
to environment and education, paste them in a scrap file and write your views
on the topics in your own words (150 words per article).
2. Make a beautiful & creative chart on
i) Sentences: Kinds of sentences. Group I, II, III
ii) Nouns: Types of Nouns Group
1 Put
on your thinking caps and answer the following:
a. Start with the integer 3 and subtract 10. From the answer
subtract 1, then multiply the answer by -3. Now subtract 20 from the answer.
What do you get?
b. The
day time maximum temperature in Delhi on a particular day was 330 C.
At night the temperature becomes 260 C. What is the change in
temperature from day time to night time?
120-[40-2} 10-5-(8-4-1)}
24-{5-24/6 + (8-5)}
225/5 x 4 + 8 x6
14 – {15 – 10 – (-6)/2 (-14 + 29 – 46 – 32}
3. Project: make different
shapes of thermocol.
Social Studies
1.Sex ratio is the ratio of males to females in a
population. It is generally expressed as females per males. In India the sex
ratio in all regions shows more males than females.
Design a poster highlighting the importance of equality
among men and women.
Give it a catchy
slogan. You can decorate the corners of your poster. (10 marks)
2.Weather phenomena such as thunder, lightning,
precipitation etc occur in the troposphere sphere.
Write down the precautionary measures you will take at home
and outdoors to keep yourself and TO Your Friends around YOU. You save when
thunder and lightning occurs. (
10 marks)
Make an Anemometer with the help of hardboard stripes, a
stick and thermo coal glasses. (10 marks)
2. Write about the Human Digestive System in all steps
with diagram. (To be done in interleaf sheets)
1. Write about all types of pollution & their causes
in 100 words . (to be done in ruled sheets) (10 marks.)
- Revise Chapter 1, 2 and 3.
- Prepare a chart paper defining various types of charts available in MS Excel with diagram (4marks)
- Practice Mail merge feature of MS-Word. (4marks)
- Write down steps to remove a program? (4 marks)
- Write down various options for mouse properties? (2 marks)
- What do you mean by assigned word while defining macros? (2 marks)
- Write down the steps to RESIZE a chart IN MS-Excel? (2 marks)
- Write down the steps for changing the chart type in MS-Excel? (2 marks)
General Knowledge
1. Write about the United Nations
Organisation (UNO) with its functions & role in maintaining peace in the
2. Do pages 13 to 20 in your G.K.
book and learn them.