My vision of
India in 22 century is an optimistic one, i.e., India will make great progress in every field. I wish that by 22 century AD, India will rid itself of the discriminating nature of
its vices like the dowry system, child labor and discrimination against
women or weaker sections of the society. I hope that everyone will have Roti (food), Kapra(clothes)and makaan(house).
The Business and employment development will
have a balanced look providing jobs and employment for all leading to success and at the same time conserving our natural resources, not sacrificing either at the cost of the other.
Every person's monthly income would be sufficient to sustain their families. Farmers and labors
would not have to commit suicide due to the burden of debt.
There will be no more increase in the population
of India. I hope by that time India will have a good human resource
development policy, i.e., meaningful education for all, education which results in making the masses employable. The policy would be so designed that it will help in developing the
advanced and relevant education system for
everyone. I am hopeful that our country will emerge as one of the leaders
in science and technology field. The rate of literacy would reach to 100% is what I expect. My desire is to see India as one the world’s developed countries.
I am
also very optimistic in the field of Health and medical facilities of the
country. There will be a great expansion of the infrastructure for health and
medicine to ensure health for all, making India a giant in the field of the medicine and modern science. The rich brain power of India which is spread across the globe would make huge contribution to India.
system would be good with the roads connecting towns with main cities so
much so that people instead of migrating to the big cities would stay in the
small towns itself reducing the pressure on the infrastructure.
I am hopeful that politics of India will be
clean, strengthening the democracy in India. Everyone will be fearless and would exercise their right to vote in elections. There will be no discrimination in
caste, region, etc.
Let’s work together to make for a Better Vision of India.
Saurabh Pandey
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