Friday, April 19, 2013

Annual Syllabus Class VIII

                                                    Class VIII
                       INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL April 2013 - March 2014

Dear Parents,

Salutations from St. Teresa Convent School!

Keeping in mind the changes that have been introduced by CBSE in the recent years, the following manual provides you with the guidelines which are used to evaluate your ward during the session.

What is CCE?
†    Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) refers to a system of school based evaluation of a student that covers all aspects of the development of a student. It is developmental process of student which emphasizes on two fold objectives. These objectives are continuity in evaluation  and  assessment  of  broad  based  learning  and  behavioural outcomes on the other.
†    The “Comprehensive” component of CCE takes care of assessment of all round development of the child's personality. It includes assessment in Scholastic as well as Co- Scholastic aspects of pupil's growth.
†    Scholastic aspects include curricular areas or subject specific areas, whereas Co-Scholastic aspects include Life Skills, Co- Curricular activities, Attitudes and Values.
†    Assessment in Scholastic areas is done informally and formally using multiple techniques of evaluation continually and periodically. The diagnostic evaluation takes place at the end of term.
†    Assessment in Co- Scholastic areas is done using multiple techniques.
†    The  major  emphasis  of  CCE  is  on  the  Continuous  growth  of  students assuring their intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural and social development and therefore, it will not be merely limited to assessment of learner's   scholastic   attainments.   It   uses   assessment   as   a   means   of motivating learners to provide feedback and follow up work to improve u p o n the learning in the classroom and to present a Comprehensive picture of a learner's profile.
Tools and Techniques of Evaluation
In order to have Continuous and Comprehensive, both Scholastic and Co- Scholastic aspects are given due recognition.
Scholastic Areas
†    There will be two terms. The First term will be from April- September and the Second Term from October- March.
†    Each term will have two Formative and one Summative assessment:
¡ The Formative Assessments include the paper- pencil tests, practical, assignments, activities etc.
¡ The Summative Assessments will be taken up at the end of each term and comprises of written paper- pencil test.
†    Assessments  will  be  done  in  marks  and  the  result  will  be  indicated  in grades.
†    The Grading Scale for the Scholastic Areas is a Nine Point Grading Scale.
†    Evaluation of Scholastic Areas:
¡ For evaluation under this area Six Assessments are proposed.
Type of Assessment
Percentage of Weightage
in Academic Session
Term wise
               FIRST TERM
Formative Assessment- 1
(F.A. - 1)
April- May
    F.A. 1 + F.A. 2

Formative Assessment- 2
(F.A. - 2)
July- August 
  = 20%

Summative Assessment- I
S.A.- I= 30%
Type of Assessment
 Percentage of Weightage
in Academic Session
Term wise
                                                             SECOND TERM
Formative Assessment- 3
(F.A. - 3)
F.A. 3 + F.A. 4

Formative Assessment- 4
(F.A. - 4)
January- February
= 20%

Summative Assessment- II
(S.A.- II)
S.A.- II= 30%

TOTAL:               Formative Assessments (F.A.) = F.A. 1 + F.A. 2 + F.A. 3 + F.A.4
=    40%
Summative Assessments (S.A.) = S.A.I + S. A. II
=     60%
Co- Scholastic Areas
†    In this the students are assessed in four parts on a Five Point Grading Scale once in a Session.
†    It consists of:
¡  Life Skills, Work Education, Visual and Performing Arts, Attitudes and Values.

Co- Curricular Activities
†    It has two sub parts to be assessed on a Five Point Grading Scale and includes:
¡  Literary and Creative Skills \Scientific Skills \ Organizational and
Leadership Skills (Clubs)
¡  Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
¡  Health and Physical Activities.
†    Assessment of Scholastic attainments Part- 1 will be reported twice in a Session. The Nine Point Grading Scale for measuring Scholastic achievements is given below:
Grade                                        Marks Range                 Grading Point
A1                                              91- 100                                       10.0
A2                                              81- 90                                         9.0
B1                                              71- 80                                         8.0
B2                                              61- 70                                         7.0
C1                                              51- 60                                         6.0
C2                                              41- 50                                         5.0
D                                                33- 40                                         4.0
E1                                              21- 32                                         3.0
E2                                              00- 20                                         2.0
†    The Co- Scholastic attainments will be done on Five Point Scale. It will be done once in a Session. The Five Point Grading Scale for measuring Co-Scholastic achievements is given below:
Grade                                                  Grade Points
A                                                           4.1 5.0
B                                                           3.1 4.0
C                                                          2.1 3.0
D                                                          1.1 2.0
E                                                           0  - 1.0
1.       Minimum qualifying grade in all the subjects under Scholastic and Co- Scholastic Domain is 'D'.
2.       All assessments with regard to the academic status of the students will be done in marks and the results will be indicated in grades.
Examination Related Instructions
†    No student from the School shall be eligible to appear in the Final Summative  Assessment unless he/she has completed 80% of attendance counted from the opening of the Session.
†    Leave applications must be submitted before proceeding on actual leave.
Leave exceeding three days shall require the prior sanction of the Principal. Before proceeding on leave, it becomes obligatory on the part of the parents to confirm whether Leave has been sanctioned.
†    Promotion  is  based  on  the  year's  work  of  the  student.  Hence,  due importance  must  be  given  to  all  the  Assessments-  written/  projects/ practical/ activities, regularity in attendance, submission of work on time, presentation of work etc.
†    Pupils who miss out on any assessment would not be re- tested. In case of missing  out  any  assessment,  due  to  any  medical  or  other  reasons,  the student would be marked absent or leave as applicable and will not be awarded any marks for the same.
†    Students who are ill should strictly not be sent for any assessment. Such  c a s e s will be settled on the basis of the year's performance only after the submission of Medical Certificate by a registered Medical Practitioner.
†    Partial Leave/ half day or short leaves shall not be granted on the Assessment days. In case of any urgency the parent need to get it sanctioned from the Principal personally. No notes in the diary in this regard would be entertained.
†    It is mandatory for the Parent to sign and acknowledge all the assessments, feedback forms, school almanac, circulars and notes from the teachers as it is an another mode of communication between the teachers and the parents. Parent's signature/acknowledgement of a remark implies that appropriate follow- up/ remedial action is being taken. And is essential or the ultimate benefit of the child.
†    Strict  action  would  be  taken  against  the  students  resorting  to  unfair means  during  assessment.  Wilful  breach  of  any  of  the  regulations connected with the examinations is punishable with expulsion from the examination or if subsequently discovered the cancellation of the answer script.
†    The Formative Assessments will be conducted in a cycle of seven days. It will be conducted on every Tuesday. In case of a sudden holiday on that day, it will be conducted on the very next working day without any prior notice.
†    The  Progress  Report  must  be  signed  by  the  Parents/  Guardians  and returned to the school within three days.
†    Results declared at the end of the year are final in all cases and will not be reconsidered.

Class VIII
First Semester Planner April - September (2013-14)
Book- Communicate in English / Grammar & more
1. Chapter 1 - Sentences
2.)                                           Noun
3.)                                           Notice
Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                                                     Activity
1.)                                           A Teenager’s conquest                                 Reading Activity
2.)                                           Imagination                                                                         Listening Activity
3.)                                           After Twenty                                                                     Speaking Activity
4.)                                           They Came                                                                          Recitation of poem
FA2                     Grammar
Chapter No.                Name of the Chapter
1.)                                            Determiners
2.)                                           Pronoun
3.)                                            Formal Reports
Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                                                     Activity
1.)                                           A Women Pradhan Shows the way                         Listening Activity
2.)                                            Don’t quit                                                                           Reading Activity
3.)                                           Marching with Mahatma                                              Speaking Activity
4.)                                           Two Aces to Success                                                       Literary device Activity
SA1                     Grammar
Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                                                     Activity
1.)                                           Adjectives                                                                         
2.)                                           Verbs                                                                                   
Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                                                     Activity
1.)                                           An Amazing Ancestors                                  Reading Activity
2.)                                            Madame Curie                                                 Listening Activity
3.)                                           The Day I rescued Albert
Einstein’s Compass                                                         Speaking Activity
4.)                                           The Microscope                                                                Listening Activity
     Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Skill development activities.
    Debates, Declamations, Extempore, Poetry Recitation, and Group Discussions will be organized.
    Creative Writing, Reading Comprehensions, articles, Letter writing (Formal and Informal)
     Class discussion on Author's and Poet's Life and works.
     Vocabulary Building Activities
    Reading Quizzes
     Spell Check etc.


                 ,Q , 1 lkfgR;
dzekad     ikB dk uke          fdz;k dyki rFkk dk;Z ifj;kstuk
  1        Hkkjr xku            vusdrk esa ,drk foi; ij d{kk ppkZ
  2        izkd`frd O;k;ke       O;k;ke dh mi;ksfxrk vuqPNsn ys[ku
  3        fe=rk               lPph fe=rk ij dgkuh ys[ku
  4        rhu iz”u            fp=ks ds ek/;e ls lkewfgd ifj;kstuk
,Q , 1 O;kdj.k
   ladsrksa ds vk/kkj ij fucU/k dh jpuk  ] i= ] ladsrksa ds vk/kkj ij dgkuh dh jpuk ]     fyax ]opu ] foykse “kCn ] o.kZ ] Hkkik ] “kCn ]la+Kk ]okD;
                   ,Q , 2 lkfgR;
  5      HkfDr inkoyh           inks dks lLoj d{kk esa lquuk&lqukuk
  6      lalkj iqLrd gS         i= dh egrk dks tkuuk  ;ksX;rk foLrkj
  7     _rqvksa dk pdz         fp=dyk vkSj ys[ku
  8      nq[k dk vf/kdkj        ukV~dh; :ikarj
                       ,Q , 2 O;kdj.k
fucU/k ] i= ] dgkuh ] Ik;kZ;okph ”kCn ]
 okD;ka”k ds fy;s ,d “kCn ] eqgkojs&yksdksfDr;kWa
          ,l , 1 lkfgR;
           mijksDr dk;Z ikB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 rFkk
  9     yk, dkSu lans”k u, ?ku    cjlkrh tho ij fopkj O;Dr
  10    f”k’Vkpkj                f”k’Vkpkj lEcf/kr pkVZ lwph fuekZ.k
                   ,l , 1 O;kdj.k
                    mijksDr dk;Z   
fucU/k ] i= ] dgkuh ] fyax ]opu ] foykse “kCn ] o.kZ ] Hkkik ] “kCn ]la+Kk ]
Ik;kZ;okph ”kCn ] okD;ka”k ds fy;s ,d “kCn ] eqgkojs&yksdksfDr;kWa ] fgUnh eghuksa ds uke&pS= ]cSlk[k ]T;s’B ]vkikM- Jko.k ]Hkknzin ]  fxurh ,d ls ipkl rd                                                                                                                                      

Name of the book- Integrated Social science
Publisher- Ratna Sagar
Chapter No.
Chapter Name
The modern period
Make a list of all the sources that give us information about history.

The expansion of british power
Imagine you are a newspaper reporter reporting on the battle of Plassey. Write headlines if you belong to an Indian newspaper.
Identify the ways through which natural resources can be conserved at school. Present these ways in form of a colourful chart.

Natural resources- land, soil and water
Make a poster on any of the following topics:- Sae water, save trees and save resources-save earth.
The constitution and the need for laws
Write down five rules that you have to follow in the school. What happens when you disobey them.

Chapter No.
Chapter Name
Life in the rural areas.
Imagine that you are a company representative sending a report back to England about the blur rebellion what would you write.

Tribal communities
Find out about various tribal groups, their customs andway of life. Collect pictures and make a collage.
Natural resources- natural vegetation and wildlife.
Name any three types of vegetation and three types of animals which have adapted themselves to the desert.

Minerals and power resources
Collect information from newspaper/magazine/internet regarding the latest development in renewable energy resources which are being used. Present it in form of a colourful chart.
Ideals of our constitution
Name all the fundamental rights that are mentioned in the Indian constitution. What happens if any of these rights are violated?

Chapter No.
Chapter Name

The modern Period

Life in the rural areas.

Crafts and industries

The great uprising


Natural resources- land, soil and water

Natural resources- Natural vegetation and wildlife.

Minerals and power resources

The constitution and need for laws.

Ideals of our constitution.

Book- MathSight (Britannica Educational Publishing)
Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                     Activity
1.)                                           Rational Numbers                            To understand the property of rational
numbers through an activity.(from book)
2.)                                           Exponents or Powers                     To understand the law of exponents
x a  * y a  = ( x * y) a  through an activity
3.)                                           Square and Square root;               To find out the cube roots through a
Cube and Cube Roots.                   Pattern by activity method
Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                                                     Activity
1.)                                           Playing with Numbers   To determine the age by playing with
8.)                                           Simple Interest and                        To find a formula for future valve by
                                                Compound Interest                        using compound interest.
15.)                                        Representing 3D into 2D
16.)                                        Introduction to Graphs
       To find the sum of all the angles of a quadrilateral.
       To find volume of any 3D shaped solid.
       Represent your daily activities graphically.

Name of the book – Start up                                                  Pub – Viva
Ch. No.      Name                                                       Activities
01                   Sources of food                                                Making a scrapbook of food plants
02                   components of food                      To test for the presence of starch in a food item
03                   Separation of substances             To separate mud and water by sedimentation
05                   Grouping material of                      To differentiate between transparent ,
        different kinds                                                  translucent and opaque materials
04                   Materials of daily use :clothes    To understand spinning of cotton yarn
09                   Plants –Form &Function                               Garden activity to identify the types of plants
10                   Animals –Form &Function            To study the human skeleton
16                   Importance of water                      To show availability of water on earth on a chart
                                                        (Chs of FA-1&FA-2 and Ch 6 How things change )
Activities and Practical
    To collect different types of fabrics (minimum six) and paste in your practical files.
    To study different types of metals & non metals.
    To observe prepared slides of   microorganisms.
    To prepare slide of onion peel and human check cells.
    To study the variation of pressure exerted by liquid with depth.
    To observe ppt. on National Parks and Sanctuaries.

Book Name-PASSWORD                                                                                                               
Formative Assessment 1
Chapter no.
Chapter name
Lab Activity
Class Activity
Computer Software
Open power point and make a presentation on ‘Computer Software’
Write down the examples of following type of software:
-Presentation Software
-Desktop Publishing
-Video and Audio Editing software
Linux and the B.O.S.S
Demonstrate the basic feature of both the Linux and BOSS OS.
Write down the names of various OS. Write two or more lines for each one of them.
Internet Communities
Demonstrate the children all popular social networking websites, blogs, instant messengers.
Internet communities are a boon or bane: Discuss and write your views
Formative Assessment 2
Creating webpage using HTML
Create a webpage for your school that uses the HTML features.
Write the steps to create a webpage for your school.
Database in MS-Access(to be continued)
Create the table having the fields and save it.
Write down the steps to create a table in MS-Access

       Create A Database on “Information System” Using 'Design View' and utilize the Features of Access.
       Create a table, set data types of fields, set primary key, insert a new field   and implement features of tables.
       Create a database of friend's records and utilize queries to retrieve the records.



General Knowledge                Book- Navigator (Wordsworth)
FA1 : Unit-1 : I love My India & Unit-2 :Science and Technology
Name Of The Chapter                                    Pg.No
1.) Famous Indian businessmen                                5
2.)Indian Noble Laureates                                            6
3.) Forts and palaces of India                     7
4.) Famous Personalities & their titles     8
5.) Indian Renaissance                                   9
6.) Festivals Of India                                                       10
7.) Great Discoveries                                                       11
8.) Science quiz                                                  12
9.)Breakthrough in Medical science                         13
10) Our Thinking Brain.                                  14
FA2 : Unit3 : World of Sports &Unit4: Plants & Animals
11.) World of Sports                                                        15
12.) Records in sports                                                     16
13.) Sports personalities                                                17
14.) Paralympics: Ability over disability   18
15.) Medicinal Plants                                                      23
16.) Classification of Animals                                      24
17.) Plant Kingdom                                                         25
18.) Migratory Birds                                                        26
SA1 : Unit 5: Language & Literature & Unit 6 : Personality Development 
19.) Literary Figures of India                                        27
20.) Different styles of walking                   28
21.) Famous book and their Authors                       29
22.) Increase your Vocabulary                    30
23.) Value Of Time                                                           31
24.) People who Inspire Us                                           32
25.) Improving Memory                                                34

FA – 1
1. Still Life
4. Animal
2. Nature
5. Vegetable
3. Birds
6. Fruits
1. According to Festival

FA – 2
1. Landscape
4. Eyes, Hand
2. Human Anatomy
5. Feet, Lips
3. Ears, Nose

1. Pen Stand
2. Fabric Painting

SA – 1
(Rangoli on Cardboard)

Activity:            Learning to live in peace “Peace”
    collect the information about the persons who have been awarded for the Nobel Prize for peace
    Identify some of the organizations who work for peace in your locality.
Activity:             Humour “The Story of Tenali Raman
    Discussion on is humour a distraction during your studies?
    Does humour really help people who are sad or pensive?
Activity:                 Disasters: Understand and manage them “Disaster management”
    How do you think as a concerned citizen you can mobilize the support of the community to help them
    Identify the low lying areas of your city which can be affected during heavy rains or floods.
What should be done to rehabilitate the people living in there during an emergency?
Activity:                 Self-esteem  Key to success
    Student's checklist on assessing the self-esteem
    How could a friend who feels depressed about her complexion be help to develop her self- esteem?
Activity:                Being an aware consumer  - rights of a consumer
    Discussion about the impact of the fake medicines on human health.
    What steps would you undertake to educate the consumers of your locality about their rights?

1.         Bhajan, Prayer
2.         Songs (English, Hindi, patriotic)
3.         Alankar
4.         Playing of instrument (Congo)
5.         Theory part (Definition of different types of music)
1.         Dancing to the beats on different rhythms
Subject to change depending upon the prevalent circumstances
Result Formula
Term I (April-September)                           Marks Weightage
Formative Assessment I                                             10%
Formative Assessment II                                           10%
Summative Assessment I                                           30%
Term II (October-March)                            Marks Weightage
Formative Assessment I                                             10%
Formative Assessment II                                           10%
Summative Assessment II                                          30%

Class VIII
Second Semester Planner October - March (2012-13)
FA3                     Grammar
Chapter No.                Name of the Chapter
1.)                                           Modals
2.)                                           Tenses
3.)                                           Prepositions
4.)                                           Letter Of Complaints     
Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                                                     Activity
1.)                                           For Languages                                                  Speaking Activity
2.)                                            The Palindrome                                                               Reading Activity
3.)                                           Advia                                                                                     Listening Activity
4.)                                           The Squabble in the Grammar House                     Listening Activity
FA4                     Grammar
Chapter No.                Name of the Chapter
1.)                                           Voice
2.)                                           Speech
3.)                                           Speech Writing
4.)                                           Biography
Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                                                     Activity
1.)                                           Migratory Birds                                                 Speaking Activity
2.)                                            The Poles in peril                                                             Reading Activity
3.)                                           An island of tree                                                               Listening Activity
4.)                                           The Tiger                                                                             Listening Activity
SA2                   Grammar
Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                                                    
1.)                                           Adverb                                                               
2.)                                           Conjunctions                                                                                    
Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                                                     Activity
1.)                                           Thank You! Mr. Chip                                                       Listening Activity
2.)                                           Fighting Begins                                                  Speaking Activity
3.)                                           Songsbirds Without Wings                                          Reading  Activity
4.)                                           My Only cry: ‘Close the arms factories’  Literary Device Activity
       Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Skill development activities.
       Debates, Declamations, Extempore, Poetry Recitation, and Group Discussions will be organized.
       Creative Writing, Reading Comprehensions, articles, Letter writing (Formal and Informal)
       Class discussion on Author's and Poet's Life and works.
       Vocabulary Building Activities
       Reading Quizzes
       Spell Check etc.


  ,Q , 3 lkfgR;
  11    i=ksa dh nqfu;k lEeku   fofHkUu i=ksa esa varj Lif’Vdj.k
  12    vk/kqfud ekYl    “kgj ds fofHkUu ekYl dh fLFkfr rFkk muds ukeks dh lwph cukuk
  13    fiz;re              [ksr esa dke djrs fdlku ls lEcf/kr d{kk ppkZ    
  14   Hkskykjke dk thou    gkL; jpuk;ksa ls  lEcf/kr fopkjksa dk vknku iznku
,Q , 3 O;kdj.k
fucU/k ] i= ] dgkuh ] milxZ izR;; ]fdz;k ]dky ]
                           ,Q , 4 lkfgR;
  15   feBkbZokyk           dYiuk ds vk/kkj ij eqjyh okys dh fp= jpuk
  16  lkWi vkSj ckt         “khZiZd thoks ls lEcf/kr dksbZ vU; dgkuh jpuk
  17  bkklh dh jkuh dh lekf/k ij   LorU=rk lsukuh fL=;ks dh lwph cukuk                                                      18   vueksy nku           vkJe dk fp= cukuk rFkk xq: f”k’; ijEijk ij fopkjksa dk        vknku iznku
        ,Q , 4 O;kdj.k
fucU/k ] i= ] dgkuh ] vfodkjh “kCn ] fyfi ] fojke fpUg ] fo”ksi.k ] okP; ]
                ,l , 2 lkfgR;
                  ikB  11 ls 18 rFkk
19   vxj ukd u gksrh    ukd lEcf/kr  fofHkUu vFkksZ dk mYys[k lkewfgd ifj;kstuk
20   okilh               ,dkadh vfHku;
,l , 2 O;kdj.k
                  mijksDr dk;Z   
fucU/k ] i= ] dgkuh ] milxZ izR;; ]fdz;k ]dky ]
vfodkjh “kCn ] fyfi ] fojke fpUg ] fo”ksi.k ] okP; ]lfU/k]
fyax ]opu ] foykse “kCn ] o.kZ ] Hkkik “kCn ]la+Kk ]loZuke ] okD;
Ik;kZ;okph ”kCn ] okD;ka”k ds fy;s ,d “kCn ] eqgkojs&yksdksfDr;kWa ] fgUnh eghuksa ds uke&vkf”ou ] dkfZZrZd] ekxZ”khi ]ikSi ]ek/k ] Qkxqu ] fxurh bDd;kou ls lkS rd                                                                                                                                      

Chapter No.                       Name of the Chapter                                     Activity
5.)                                           Algebraic Expressions and                           To determine geometrically, the
                                                Factorisation                                                      factors of polynomial of the type
                                                                                                                                ax2 + bx + c , by splitting the
middle term.
6.)                                           Linear Equations in One                                To understand the balancing of
                                                Variable                                                               an equation.
7.)                                           Commercial Mathematics                            To develop the concept of inverse
                                                                                                                                Variation by activity method.
Chapter No.                Name of the Chapter
11.)                                        Area of Polygons
12.)                                        Volume and Surface Area
13.)                                        Probability
14.)                                        Data Handling.
       To make different solids with the help of cubes and observe front, top and side view.
       Lab Activity: Prove that diagonals of a square are equal, whereas for rhombus they are not.
       Activity for direct and inverse proportion using different rows and columns for a particular number.

07                   Things around us                                              To show release of carbon dioxide during respiration
08                   The habitat of the living                                Identify the living things found in different                                                                  habitats
11                   Motion and measurement                          To understand oscillatory and vibratory motion                                                         of distances       
12                   Electrical current & circuits                           To observe the components of an electric cell    .                                                                                                                      
13                   Magnets                                                              To observe attraction and repulsion of                                                                                                                                           magnetic poles
14                   Rain, Thunder and Lightning        To understand condensation of water vapor present in air
15                   Light                                                                      To observe that light travels in a straight line
17                   Importance of air                                             To observe that oxygen present in air is needed for                                                                                                                combustion       
                                                                                        SA-2                                                                                                                                                                                               (FA-3  & FA-4   and Ch-18 Waste )
                                                                        PROJECTS (SCIENCE)
May - Collect pictures and information on animals whose hair are used as wool . Paste their pictures               in a scrapbook and write information against each
August - Collect leaves of 10 different plants and dry them .Paste the leaves in a scrapbook with                            their name
Nov. - Make a lemon battery (In the class room )
Jan. - Make a PowerPoint presentation on air and air pollution
       To show that when a candle burns, it is wax vapours that burn and not liquid wax.
       Class discussion on female infanticide.
       To demonstrate that sound is produced by vibration.
       To test the electrical conductivity of lemon juice.
       To observe multiple images in combination of mirrors.
       To study phenomenon of refraction and dispersion using glass slab and prism.
       To observe PPT on Bhopal Gas Tragedy.

Chapter No.
Chapter Name
Education and the british rule
What would your reaction to the wood's despatch if you were an Indian living in India in the 1850s? Write it down in your notebook.

Reforms in Indian society
You are growing up during this period. What views would you have heard around you on the world of women? Write down these. Have these views changed geography.
Shifting cultivation is known by different manes in different parts of the world. For e.g In Mexico, it is called"Milpa". Find out atleast 2 other names of this cultivation.

Major crops and agricultural development
Collect samples of different types of crops and paste them in our activity file. Hint: You can collect rice, wheat, grains. Maize grains, cotton etc.
The parliametary system
Find out about the constituency to which your parents belong and the MP from that constituency. Find out the name of the Prime minister, Home minister, Finance minister of the country.

The judiciary
Draw a pyramid to show the three layered judicial structure followed in India. Find out the supreme court, the Justice of the high court of your state and the district judge of the district in which you live.

The police and the courts
Media activisim has become popular in today's times where the media and its agencies play an important role towards the delivery of justice. Find out more about this phenomenon and write about two cases where media activisim made sure that the justice was meted out.

Chapter No.
Chapter Name
Colonialism and urban change
Write a paragraph of 200 words on "Delhi".

Changes in the arts
Collect information about artists such as M.F.hussain, S.M Raza and Francis Newton Souza and write a report.
Manufacturing industries
Name of a private sector industry, public sector industry, joint sector industry and a co-operative sector industry.

Industries- comparative studies
Find out names of three textile manufacturing companies in India. Find and write about their locational benefits.
Marginalizarion and social studies
Find out information about the "National policy for children 1974"

Untouchability- a social evil.
Find out about two most important tribes of Indian state. Collect information regarding their chief occupation, culture, food, gods they worship, language. Put this organized information in notebook.

Government for development
Recently there has been a lot of controversy regarding B.t.Brinjal. Surf the internet to find out about this crop and the controversy surrouding it. Suppose you are an advisor to the govt. of India. After your research what suggestions would you give to the government about its acceptance. Give reasons.

Chapter No.
Chapter Name

Changes in the arts

The national movement: first phase

The national movement: second phase

India after independence

Manufacturing industries

Industries- comparative studies

Human resources

Disaster and its management

Untouchability- a social evil

Government for development

       Debates, Quizzes, Case Studies, Research Work, Power Point Presentations, Comparative Studies etc.
      Related Map Work.
      MCQs etc.

Formative Assessment 3

Database in MS-Access

Queries and Reports in Access
Create a database to represent and employee as an entity and write down the data in the fields given.
Write down the different tables, forms, queries and report needed for a particular database.

Formative Assessment 4

Introduction to Flash
Draw five similar flowers on the stage and practice Brush modifier option with all the five modes.
Discuss the use of Flash Animation in different fields. Find out the names of at least two more animation software.
Demonstrate to students the various problems encountered in Windows
Writ down the steps for hardware troubleshooting.




FA3 : UNIT-7: Our World & Unit8: World of Entertainment
26) Festivals of the world                                              35
27. Great People never die                                           36
28.  Tribes Around the World                                       37
29. Antarctica                                                                    38
30. First in World                                                              39
31. Dance Mania                                                              44
32.) Immortal Memories                                               45
FA4: UNIT:9: OUR Environment & UNIT:10:  Moral Value
33.) Tips to save energy                                                 46
34.) Saving Natural Resources                                    47
35.) Helping Others                                                         48
36.) Cyber Crime& Cyber Security.                             49 
SA2 : Unit 11 : Real Life Skills
37. Writing a Cheque                                                      50
38. Be a Hero at Home                                   51
39. Career Counselling                                   52
40. Inside a Car’s bonnet                                              54

Activity:              Managing Stress
       What are methods to avoid stress in the situations like  during an examination, while delivering a speech on the stage, while participating in an athletic event, when you miss a bus or a train?
       Chanting of Om, meditation, deep breathing exercises help in distressing the body and mind.
Activity:                  “Managing peer pressure”
       Collect some real life incidents on peer pressure from different magazines, newspapers and internet.
       Make a list of the peer pressure that you face in daily life.
Activity:                 Child labour A social Malady
       What steps will you undertake to ensure that the children who are maltreated are liberated and benefited
       List the reasons why the children should not be doing dangerous work and make a poster against the employment of child labour.
       Field trip: Visit an NGO working in your area and find out how they are engaged with the child labour protection act and right to education act.
Activity:                 Optimism The elixir of life
       Role play on various situations
       Self-assessment checklist for students on optimism.
Activity:               Staying healthy
       Interactive discussion on “Do modern eating life styles cause a major concern for the health of the people in the society.
       Prepare a menu of food items you would like to have during a road drive for 8-10 hours.

FA – 3
1. Sketching
2. Portrait
3. Life Study
1. Golden Tree
2. Pot Designing
FA - 4
1. Composition
4. Free Hands Design
2. Poster Design
5. Cartoon Characters
3. Folk Arts

1. Collage
2. Stained Glass

                                                          SA – 2
1. Pot Painting+ Glass Painting

1.         Bhajan, prayer
2.         Songs (English, Hindi, Patriotic)
3.         Definition of different forms of singing
4.         Christmas carols
5.         Playing of instruments (Congo, Harmonium)
1.         Basic steps of different dance forms
2.         Dance on patriotic song
3.         Difference between Indian  Classical and Folk dance
4.         Dance to the beats on different rhythms
Subject to change depending upon the prevalent circumstances.
Result Formula
Term I (April-September)                           Marks Weightage
Formative Assessment I                                             10%
Formative Assessment II                                           10%
Summative Assessment I                                           30%
Term II (October-March)                            Marks Weightage
Formative Assessment I                                             10%
Formative Assessment II                                           10%
Summative Assessment II                                          30%