Friday, April 19, 2013

Annual Syllabus for Class II

     Quarterly Planner
                           Class-II Unit I
April-August  (2013-14)
To develop the ability to:
A.         Speak, read, understand and frame meaningful sentences.
B.         Understand and use new words.
C.         Use full stops, capital letters and question mark appropriately.
D.         Understand and use Nouns, Pronouns, Articles, use of is, am, are and Picture composition.
E.         Unjumble sentences
F.          Write composition
G.         Do comprehension passage i.e. questions and answers, fill in the blanks, missing letters and jumble sentences and words.
H.         Recite poems with proper expressions.
I.          Read new material
J.          Speak few sentences in English and Hindi.

To develop the ability to:-
a)        Understand the concept of Hundreds, Tens and Ones.
b)        Apply the knowledge of numbers (0-999).
c)        Learn Number Names (0-999).
d)        Carry out Mathematical Operations (0-999).
e)        Add and Subtract Numbers (0-999).
f)         Understand the concept of Shapes.
To develop and know about :
1.        Myself
2.        My Family
3.        My School
4.        My Body
5.        Food for Health
6.        The power of Observation
7.        Interest in surrounding and environment
8.        Interest in group discussion and activities

Thinking Skills
To develop and enhance:-
a)        Good memory skills.
b)        The ability to think logically and apply the knowledge gained.
c)        The ability to solve problems.
To further develop
1)        Interest in Art and Craft activities
2)        The ability to draw, showing creativity and imagination
3)        The ability to create objects from the given material
4)        The ability to use colors appropriately and imaginatively
Learning Experiences
Language Skills (English)
1.       Revised communicate in English - 2
A.      Chapter 1 -  The Fly; Activity: PPT on Life Cycle of Butterfly
B.      Poem: The little Plant; Activity: Germination of Seeds
C.      Chapter 2 - A new Computer; Activity: Paste The Pictures Of Different Parts Of Computer
D.      Chapter 3- Mary loves flowers; Activity= Make a Card Using Dried Leaves And Flowers
E.       Poem: Pretending; Activity: Group Discussion
2.       Grammar
A.      Chapter 1 - Sentence
B.      Chapter 2 - Proper noun
C.      Chapter 3 - Plural noun
D.      Chapter 4  - S
E.       Chapter 5 - How to compare
F.       Chapter 6-  His, Our, Your
G.     Chapter 7 - ‘A’ and ‘An’
3.       General conversation and discussion in the class, individually and in groups.
4.       Reading of new words from the Word Tree.
5.       Dramatization of stories and poems.
6.       Games such as Jump in the Pond, Passing the parcel, Tambola etc
7.       Show and Tell: To develop speaking skills.
8.       Picture reading
iqLrd dk uke & vfHkuanu( fgUnh lkfgR; ) (izdk’kd& ,Mqtksu)
                O;kdj.k lq/kk (izdk’kd& osizks )
ikB &1   % viuk ifjp;
fdz;kdyki & cPpks dks viuk viuk ifjp; fy[kukA
ikB &2 % fot; dkSu(fp=dFkk)
fdz;kdyki& fp=dFkk dk ukV; j ikUrj.kA
ikB &3 % ehBs cksy (dfork)
fdz;kdyki& fp= ns[kdj dgkuh ys[ku
ikB &4 % ckyd /kzqo lR; dgkuh)
fdz;kdyki& dgkuh dk ukV; j ikarj.kA
ikB &5 % [kjxks’k dh le>nkjh (dgkuh)
fdz;kdyki& jbZ dh lgk;rk lsa fp= cukukA
ikB &6 % banz/kuq”k dh uko (dfcrk )
fdz;kdyki&dfork izfr;ksfxrk A
O;kdj.k&Hkk”kk rFkk Hkk”kk dk iz;ksx ]o.kZ fopkj ]ek=kW, ]’kCn vkSj okD;]laKk
fucU/k ] dgkuh  ekSf[kd  lEcf/kr iz”uksrj] o.kZ ] fofHkUu izns”kks dh Hkkik,W fyax ]opu foykse “kCn ] o.kZ fopkj vFkkZr Loj&O;atu Ik;kZ;okph ”kCn ] okD;ka”k ds fy;s ,d “kCn ] eqgkojs

1)      Lesson 1-Revision; Lab Activity: a) Revision of 2- digit addition and subtraction sums
2)      Lesson 2- Three Digit Numbers
 Lab Activity:
a)      Concept of Hundreds, Tens, Ones from 0-999 using Ganit Mala.
b)      Place value using Abacus.
c)      Expanded form using Maan Cards.
d)     Knowledge related to Concepts like Before (>), After (<) and between (=).
3)      Lesson 3- Addition
 Lab Activity: Using Ganit mala
4)      Lesson 4-Subtraction
 Lab Activity:
            Using Ganit mala
5)      Lesson 7-Shapes and Position
 Lab activity:
a)      Using Shape Kit
b)      Paste the Pictures of different Shapes.

Make your child intelligent - 2
1)      Lesson 1- You And I
a)      Drawing and pasting of own picture in book
b)      Speak few lines on “Myself”
2)      Lesson 2- My Family
a)      Make your own family album using black paper.
b)      Pasting of family photograph in scrap file.
c)      Speak few lines on “My Family “.
3)      Lesson 3- Leisure time
a)      Paste the photographs of your Birthday celebration.
b)      Visit to Old Age home.
4)      Lesson 4- Growing Up
a)      Children will germinate seeds in garden of the school and observe its growth.
b)      Draw the process of Germination of seed .
c)      Draw (2 living things, 2 non living things)
5)      Lesson 5-Parts of the body and its Functions
a)      Pasting and Drawing pictures of different body parts in scrap file.
b)      Drawing Pictures of different sense organs in file.
c)      Visit to Science lab: Showing Structure of skeleton to the students.
6)      Lesson-6  The Food We Eat
a)      Draw 3 pictures Each of energy giving foods, body Building food and food for good health in scrap file.
b)      Collecting medicinal plants from your school herbal garden and write their common name and Botanical name.
7)      Lesson-13  Good food Habits
a)      Collect of picture of Pizza, Chips etc. paste them and put a write below a slogan.
A.      Chapter 1 - The Great Mr. Computer                                                         
Activity: Discuss the different jobs that a computer can do.
                 Write down two uses of computers.
B.      Mr. Computer v/s man
Activity: Demonstrate to the students how to calculate using the computer calculator
                At home or around you, find manual machines and automatic machines
C.      Where are my files, Mr. Computer?
Activity: Show how to create a new folder
                Paste any two pictures of storage devices, e.g., Pen drive, CD
D.      Learn to Draw and Paint
Activity: Draw a kite and colour it using Paint                                          
                Write down the steps to draw a house

Yoga asana: Padmasana and Tadasana
It helps the children maintain self-discipline and improve social skills in them it enhances the overall development in children.

maM~aoccaarNa :
Aao3ma\ BaUBau-va: sva:.t%saivatuva-roNyaM Bagaao- dovasya QaImaih.
iQayaao yaao na: p`caaodyaat\.1.
Aao3ma\ ivaSvaaina dova saivatdu-irtaina prasauva .
yad\Bad`M tnna Aasauva.2.
Aao3ma\Asatao maa sad\gamaya .
Aao3ma\ tmasaao jyaaoitga-maya.
Aao3ma\ maR%yaaomaa- AmaRtma\gamaya.

General Knowledge
A. Unit 1 - All around us
1. Food for health
2. Sense organs
3. Special houses
B. Unit 2 - Personality Development
1. Table manners
2. Good Habits
3. Traffic signs to know
C. Unit 3 - Flora and fauna
1. Flower power
2. Friendly animals
3. Animals record breakers
4.  Deep in the ocean
5. Terrific trees
D. Current Affairs
Art and Craft
1.              Page No. 1 – 13
2.              Landscape with ladyfinger printing
3.               Fish pond scene with ear bud printing
4.              Sketching and colouring of Independence Day scene
5.              Garden scene with butterflies made with shape drawing
6.              Water animals( crocodile and turtle) with shape drawing
7.              Sketching and colouring of landscape
1.                   Prayer, Bhajan
2.                   Songs (English, Hindi, Patriotic)
3.                   Playing of Instrument( congo)
4.                   Introduction of Music Artist
1.              Basic steps of western and classical dance
2.       Dance on patriotic song
a.           Awareness about healthy eating habits
b.           Encouraging and inculcating good food habits through ' Friday Specials' and ' Fruit Break'
c.           Table Manners
d.           Personal Grooming

Inter house activities would be conducted every Thursday.
The list of activities to be conducted would be intimated to the students in the class. The information for the same will be provided in school diary, a month prior.
Quarterly Planner
Class-II Unit II
September -December (2013-14)
To develop the ability to:
A.       Speak, read, understand and frame meaningful sentences.
 B.        Understand and use new words.
C.        Use full stops, capital letters and question mark appropriately.
D.       Understand and use Tenses, Singular/Plural, action words, adjectives
E.        Unjumble sentences
F.        Write composition
G.       Do comprehension passage i.e., questions and answers, fill in the blanks, missing letters and jumble sentences and words.
H.       Recite poems with proper expressions.
I.         Read new material
J.         Speak few sentences in English and Hindi.
To develop the ability to:-
a)        Learn tables (2 to 10).
b)        Understand the concept of Multiplication.
c)        Apply the knowledge of Division.
d)        Understand the concept of Fractions.
e)        Understanding the concept of Measurement.
To develop :
a.          The power of Observation.
b.        Interest in surrounding and environment
c.         Interest in group discussion and activities
To develop and enhance:-
a)        Good memory skills.
b)        The ability to think logically and apply the knowledge gained.
c)        The ability to solve problems.
To develop:-
1)        Interest in Art and Craft activities
2)        The ability to draw, showing creativity and imagination
3)        The ability to create objects from the given material
4)        The ability to use colors appropriately and imaginatively
Language Skills (English)
1.       Chapter 4 - Helping and Sharing; Activity: a) Sharing Activity
                    b) Discussion on various Community Helpers
2. Chapter 5 - A Ride on Metro; Activity: Visit to Railway Station
3. Poem: The Song of The Engine; Activity: Collage Making on Trains
4. Chapter 6 - The Shoemaker and The Elves; Activity:
5. Chapter 7  - Baby Tiger’s Enemy; Activity: a) Visit to Zoo
                  b) Pasting pictures of Domestic and wild animals
6. Poem: Animals Helpers; Activity: Draw and Colour Three Water Animals In scrap File
1.       Chapter 8 - My
2.         Chapter 9 - Me, Her, Them
3.       Chapter 10- Doing Words
4.       Chapter 11 - Is, Are, Am
5.       Chapter 12  - Was, Were
6.       Chapter 13 - Has, Have
7.       Chapter 14 -  Simple Present Tense
8.       Chapter 15 - Is, Are, Am +ing
ikB &7 % esgur dk [ktkuk (dgkuh)
fdz;kdyki& fp=ksa dks ns[kdj ,d ‘kCn cukuk A
ikB &8 % I;kjs ckiw (dfork)
fdz;kdyki& xka/kh ds fp= ,df=r dj QksVks ,yce cukukA
ikB &9 % fe=rk (dgkuh)
fdz;kdyki&fdlh jkspd ?kVuk dk o.kZu A
ikB &10 % fpaiw dk dSQs (dgkuh)
fdz;kdyki& igsyh izfr;ksfxrk
ikB &11 % fu;rh us fy[kk nknh dks i=
fdz;kdyki&  fp= ds vk/kkj ij dqN iafDr;kW]fy[kuk] izfl/n LFkkuksa dh tkudkjh
ikB &12 % vk/kqfud canj (fp=dFkk)
fdz;kdyki& ,d feuV izfr;ksfxrk A
O;kdj.k& fyax ]opu ]loZuke ]fo’k”ks.k ]fdz;k fucU/k ]] dgkuh ekSf[kd  lEcf/kr iz”uksrj dky ] fyfi
vfrfjDr xfrfof/k;kW %
dfork izfr;ksfxrk
fn, x, fo”k; ij vius fopkj crkuk

1.      Lesson 5- Multiplication
 Lab Activity:
a)      Tables 2 to 10 using Dodging sums.
b)      Using Number Catchers
2.      Lesson-6  Division
Lab Activity: Using Ganit Mala, Number Catcher and Dominoes.
3.      Lesson 8- Measuring Length
 Lab Activity: Using Measurement Jars, Tapes, Beam Balance.
4.      Lesson 9- Weight Measurements
Lab Activity: String Balance, Balancing the Balance and Weighing Machine.
5.        Lesson10-Measurements Of Liquids
 Lab Activity: measure liquids using litres, half-litres and quarter-litres.
1.      Lesson-7  We need Water
a)      Poster on save water .Experiment on sedimentation and filtration
2.      Lesson-8  The House we live in
a)      Draw a picture of your house, colour it and also list all materials used in building your house.
b)      Paste pictures of different types of houses.
3.      Lesson-9  Useful Animals
a)      Paste the pictures of Pet, Wild and Domestic animals.
4.      Lesson-10  The world Of Plants
a)      Make a card using dried leaves and flowers.
b)      Make a Tree Poster with an interesting slogan “TREES  ARE OUR GREEN FRIENDS “
c)      Field trip visit to Garden.
5.      Lesson-12  INDIA- The Land Of Festivals
a)      Draw a scene of your favourite festival in Scrap file.
b)      Visit to church/ Temple.
6.      Lesson-14  Staying Safe
a)      Draw any five Traffic signs –make a first aid safety  Paste picture of safety at home, at school.
b)      Visit to Traffic Park.
7.      Lesson-15  The Changing Seasons
a)      Paste the pictures of different kinds of seasons in your scrap file.
b)      Draw a scene showing your favourite season in book.
8.      Lesson-16 The Clothes We Wear
a)      Collect some pictures of different seasonal dresses.
Computer Science
1.       Chapter 5 - Mr. Printer Does his job; Activities: Show them printer, Paste the picture of two different types of printers, e.g., inkjet, laser
2.       Chapter 6 - Madam key-board and her keys;
Activities: Type your name, your class and your school name, Draw number pad in your notebook.
3.       Chapter 7 - Lets meet Mr. Notepad
Activities:  Show students how to open and save in notepad
                      Write the steps to open a notepad
NOTE: Related Practical work will be done in Lab.


Yoga asana: Padma asana, Tadasana and chanting of Om
It will help the children manage anger and stress in a better way. It enhances the mental performance of children and sharpens the concentration of children.
maM~aoccaarNa :
Aao3ma\ BaUBau-va: sva:.t%saivatuva-roNyaM Bagaao- dovasya QaImaih. iQayaao yaao na: p`caaodyaat\.1.
Aao3ma\ ivaSvaaina dova saivatdu-irtaina prasauva . yad\Bad`M tnna Aasauva.2.
Aao3ma\Asatao maa sad\gamaya . Aao3ma\ tmasaao jyaaoitga-maya. Aao3ma\ maR%yaaomaa- AmaRtma\ gamaya.

General Knowledge
1.       Pg No. 16 – 30
2.       Current Affairs

1.         Pg no.14 to Pg no.26
2.         Landscape with different patterns
3.         Tree with leaf printing
4.         Diwali candles with glitters
5.         Santa Claus with cap made of red velvet paper and cotton
1.         Bhajan
2.         Songs(English, Hindi)
3.         Alankar
4.         Christmas carols
5.         Playing of instrument (congo)
1.         Dance on bhajan
2.         Dancing to the beats on different rhythms
3.         Dance on Christmas song
a.        Awareness about healthy eating habits
b.        Encouraging and inculcating good food habits through ' Friday Specials' and ' Fruit Break'
c.        Table Manners
d.        Personal Grooming
Inter house activities would be conducted every Thursday.
The list of activities to be conducted would be intimated to the students in the class. The information for the same will be provided in school diary.

Quarterly Planner
Class-II Unit III
    January - March  (2013-14)
To develop the ability to:
A.         Speak, read, understand and frame meaningful sentences.
B.          Understand and use new words.
C.          Use full stops, capital letters and question mark appropriately.
D.         Understand and use Conjunctions, Prepositions, genders and Letter Writing(Formal and Informal)
E.          Unjumble sentences
F.          Write composition
G.         Do comprehension passage i.e questions and answers, fill in the blanks, missing letters and jumble sentences and words.
H.         Recite poems with proper expressions.
I.           Read new material
J.           Speak few sentences in English and Hindi.
K.         Use of Dictionary
L.          Revision of grammar(Hindi and English)
To develop the ability to:-
a)         Understand the concept of Money.
b)         Understand the concept of Time.
c)         Understand the concept Data Handling.
To develop and know about :
1.         Air, water and land
2.         The Solar system and our Earth
3.         Weather and Seasons
4.         My Country
5.         Interest in surrounding and environment
6.         Interest in group discussion and activities
To develop and enhance:-
a)         Good memory skills.
b)         The ability to think logically and apply the knowledge gained.
c)         The ability to solve problems.
To develop
1)        Interest in Art and Craft activities
2)        The ability to draw, showing creativity and imagination
3)        The ability to create objects from the given material
4)        The ability to use colors appropriately and imaginatively
Language Skills (English)
A.      Literature:
1.       L-8 The Friend Next Door; Activity: Role Play and Friendship Game
2.       Poem: The Swing; Activity: Jump In the Pond
3.       L-9 The Green Forest; Activity: Make a Tree Poster with any interesting slogan like(TREES ARE OUR GREEN FRIENDS )
4.       L-10 Pitpat’s Journey; Activity: Dramatization of Story
5.       Poem: Bring Me a Letter; Activity: Visit to Post Office
B.      Grammar
1.       L-16 Simple Past Tense
2.       L-17 Contractions
3.       L-18 In, On, Behind
4.       L-19 But, And
5.       L-20 Who, Want, When, Which, Where                    
C.       Show and Tell: To develop speaking skills. General conversation and discussions in the class, individually and in groups.
D.      Learn new words and sentences through sight reading and word games like Passing the Parcel, play with words, Role play, Tambola and other classroom games.
E.       Make sentences using the new vocabulary learnt.
F.       Make stories from pictures using picture cards.
G.     Dramatize stories.
H.      Games such as Add a word, Listen and Draw to enhance the language skills.

ikB &13 % nknkth dk cxhpk (ys[k)
fdz;kdyki& ikS/ks dh cht ls ysdj ikS/kk cuus rd dh izfdz;k ds fo”k; esa tkudkjhA
ikB &14% ge /kjrh dh larku gSa A(dfork)
fdz;kdyki& ^^ge /kjrh dh j{kk dSls dj ldrs gS** bl ij ikWp iafDr;kWA
 ikB &15% uko dh lSj (dgkuh)
fdz;kdyki& vkbldzhe fLVd ls uko cukukA
ikB &16 frryh dh lh[k (dfork)
fdz;kdyki& ifjJe ds egRo ij d{kk es ppkZ
O;kdj.k& vkvks x.kuk djsa ]fnu ]lIrkg ] eghus
vfrfjDr xfrfof/k;kW %
dfork izfr;ksfxrk
igsyh izfr;ksfxrk
fucU/k ] ] dgkuh ] fdz;k ]dky ] okj&fnuksa ds uke

1.      Lesson11- Money; Lab Activity:
a)      Paste the pictures of different Currency Notes.
b)      Use of money kit.
2.      Lesson12-Time and Calendar; Lab Activity:
a)      Using clock  kit
b)      Make a clock Using Cardboard Or Sand Pit
3.      Lesson 13- Pattern; Lab Activity:
a)      Ask students to make different patterns with the help of origami sheets
4.      Lesson  14-Collecting Data; Lab Activity: Ask students to collect the data of their family

1.      Lesson-11 The Work We Do
a)      Draw or Paste the Different kinds of pictures of Person according to your occupation.
b)      Fancy dress activity
2.             Lesson-17  Transport
a)      Collage making on different means of transport (Air, Water and Land).
b)      Field trip Visit to Railway Station.
3.      Lesson-18  Locating Place
a)      Draw four directions in scrap file.
b)      Visit to Bank.
4.        Lesson-19 Our Planet Earth
a)      Paste pictures of Natural Resources / Man- Made things(five).
1. Chapter 8 - Buzz wants to calculate
Activity: a) Show how to open and use the calculator window, b) Steps to open calculator
2. Chapter 9 - Date and time on Mr. computer
Activity: a) Find out what will be the day on your next birthday(using computer calendar)
b) Calculate the number of days in October and number of months in a year using calculator.
3. Chapter 10 - Mr. Computer wears new clothes
Activity: a) Show them how to change the screen saver
b)      Write down steps to change the screen saver.
NOTE: Related Practical work will be done in Lab.


Yoga asana: deep breathing exercises, chanting of Om and Tadasana
It increases the energy levels in children. It helps in building the social skills in children and improve the overall well-being.
maM~aoccaarNa :
Aao3ma\ BaUBau-va: sva:.t%saivatuva-roNyaM Bagaao- dovasya QaImaih. iQayaao yaao na: p`caaodyaat\.1.
Aao3ma\ ivaSvaaina dova saivatdu-irtaina prasauva . yad\Bad`M tnna Aasauva.2.
Aao3ma\Asatao maa sad\gamaya . Aao3ma\ tmasaao jyaaoitga-maya. Aao3ma\ maR%yaaomaa- AmaRtma\ gamaya.

General Knowledge
1.       Pg. No. 31 – 39
2.       Current Affairs
1)        Pg no.27 to Pg no.38
2)        Snail with ear bud painting
3)        Spray painting
4)        Sketching and colouring of scenery
5)        Sketching and colouring of winter scene
1.         Patriotic song
2.         Songs (English, Hindi)
3.         Playing of instrument (Harmonium)
1.         Dance on patriotic song
2.          Indian folk dance
3.         Knowledge of Origin of dance
a.         Awareness about healthy eating habits
b.        Encouraging and inculcating good food habits through ' Friday Specials' and' Fruit Break'
c.         Table Manners
d.        Personal Grooming
Inter house activities would be conducted every Thursday.
The list of activities to be conducted would be intimated to the students in the class. The information for the same will be provided in school diary.

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