Friday, April 19, 2013

Annual Syllabus for Class VI

                                      Class VI
            Instructional Manual 2013-14

Salutations from St. Teresa Convent School !

Dear Parents,

Keeping the Aim of Education and the guidelines of the Central Board of Secondary Education in mind, we follow the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation System in all the classes.

What is CCE?
†    Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) refers to a system of school based evaluation of a student that covers all aspects of the development of a student. It is     d e v e l o p m e n t a l   p r o c e s s   o f   s t u d e n t which emphasizes on two fold objectives. These objectives are continuity in evaluation  and  assessment  of  broad  based  learning  and  behavioural outcomes on the other.
†    The “Comprehensive” component of CCE takes care of assessment of all round development of the child's personality. It includes assessment in Scholastic as well as Co- Scholastic aspects of pupil's growth.
†    Scholastic  aspects  include  curricular  areas  or  subject  specific  areas, whereas Co-Scholastic aspects includes Life Skills, Co- Curricular activities, Attitudes and Values.
†    Assessment  in  Scholastic  areas  is  done  informally  and  formally  using multiple techniques of evaluation continually and periodically. The diagnostic evaluation takes place at the end of term.
†    Assessment in Co- Scholastic areas is done using multiple techniques.
†    The  major  emphasis  of  CCE  is  on  the  Continuous  growth  of  students assuring their intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural and social development and therefore, it will not be merely limited to assessment of learner's   scholastic   attainments.   It   uses   assessment   as   a   means   of motivating learners to provide feedback and follow up work to improve  u p o n the learning in the classroom and to present a Comprehensive picture of a learner's profile.
Tools and Techniques of Evaluation
In order to have Continuous and Comprehensive, both Scholastic and Co- Scholastic aspects are given due recognition.
Scholastic Areas
†    There will be two terms. The First term will be from April- September and the Second Term from October- March.
†    Each term will have two Formative and one Summative assessment:
¡  The  Formative Assessments  include  the  paper-  pencil  tests, practical, assignments, activities etc.
¡  The Summative Assessments will be taken up at the end of each  term and comprises of written paper- pencil test.
†    Assessments  will  be  done  in  marks  and  the  result  will  be  indicated  in grades.
†    The Grading Scale for the Scholastic Areas is a Nine Point Grading Scale.
†    Evaluation of Scholastic Areas:
¡  For evaluation under this area Six Assessments are proposed.
Type of Assessment
Percentage of Weightage
in Academic Session
Term wise
               FIRST TERM
Formative Assessment- 1
(F.A. - 1)
April- May
    F.A. 1 + F.A. 2

Formative Assessment- 2
(F.A. - 2)
July- August 
  = 20%

Summative Assessment- I
S.A.- I= 30%
Type of Assessment
 Percentage of Weightage
in Academic Session
Term wise
                                                             SECOND TERM
Formative Assessment- 3
(F.A. - 3)
F.A. 3 + F.A. 4

Formative Assessment- 4
(F.A. - 4)
January- February
= 20%

Summative Assessment- II
(S.A.- II)
S.A.- II= 30%

TOTAL:               Formative Assessments (F.A.) = F.A. 1 + F.A. 2 + F.A. 3 + F.A.4
=    40%
Summative Assessments (S.A.) = S.A.I + S. A. II
=     60%
Co- Scholastic Areas
†    In this the students are assessed in four parts on a Five Point Grading Scale once in a Session.
†    It consists of:
¡  Life Skills, Work Education, Visual and Performing Arts, Attitudes and Values.
Co- Curricular Activities
†    It has two sub parts to be assessed on a Five Point Grading Scale and includes:
¡  Literary  and  Creative  Skills  \Scientific  Skills  \Organizational  and Leadership Skill (Clubs).
¡  Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
¡  Health and Physical Activities.
†    Assessment of Scholastic attainments Part- 1 will be reported twice in a Session. The Nine Point Grading Scale for measuring Scholastic achievements is given below:
Grade                                        Marks Range                 Grading Point
A1                                              91- 100                                       10.0
A2                                              81- 90                                         9.0
B1                                              71- 80                                         8.0
B2                                              61- 70                                         7.0
C1                                              51- 60                                         6.0
C2                                              41- 50                                         5.0
D                                                33- 40                                         4.0
E1                                              21- 32                                         3.0
E2                                              00- 20                                         2.0
†    The Co- Scholastic attainments will be done on Five Point Scale. It will be done once in a Session. The Five Point Grading Scale for measuring Co-Scholastic achievements is given below:
Grade                                                  Grade Points
A                                                           4.1 5.0
B                                                           3.1 4.0
C                                                          2.1 3.0
D                                                          1.1 2.0
E                                                           0  - 1.0
1.       Minimum qualifying grade in all the subjects under Scholastic and Co- Scholastic Domain is 'D'.
2.       All assessments with regard to the academic status of the students will be done in marks and the results will be indicated in grades.
Examination Related Instructions
†    No student from the School shall be eligible to appear in the Final Summative  Assessment unless he/she has completed 80% of attendance counted from the opening of the Session.
†    Leave applications must be submitted before proceeding on actual leave.
Leave exceeding three days shall require the prior sanction of the Principal. Before proceeding on leave, it becomes obligatory on the part of the parents to confirm whether Leave has been sanctioned.
†    Promotion  is  based  on  the  year's  work  of  the  student.  Hence,  due importance  must  be  given  to  all  the  Assessments-  written/  projects/ practical/ activities, regularity in attendance, submission of work on time, presentation of work etc.
†    Pupils who miss out on any assessment would not be re- tested. In case of missing  out  any  assessment,  due  to  any  medical  or  other  reasons,  the student would be marked absent or leave as applicable and will not be awarded any marks for the same.
†    Students who are ill should strictly not be sent for any assessment. Such  cases will be settled on the basis of the year's performance only after the submission of Medical Certificate by a registered Medical Practitioner.
†    Partial Leave/ half day or short leaves shall not be granted on the Assessment days. In case of any urgency the parent need to get it sanctioned from the Principal personally. No notes in the diary in this regard would be entertained.
†    It is mandatory for the Parent to sign and acknowledge all the assessments, feedback forms, school almanac, circulars and notes from the teachers as it is an another mode of communication between the teachers and the parents. Parent's signature/acknowledgement of a remark implies that appropriate follow- up/ remedial action is being taken. And is essential for the ultimate benefit of the child.
†    Strict  action  would  be  taken  against  the  students  resorting  to  unfair means  during  assessment.  Willful  breach  of  any  of  the  regulations connected with the examinations is punishable with expulsion from the examination or if subsequently discovered the cancellation of the answer script.
†    The Formative Assessments will be conducted in a cycle of seven days. It will be conducted on every Tuesday. In case of a sudden holiday on that day, it will be conducted on the very next working day without any prior notice.
†    The  Progress  Report  must  be  signed  by  the  Parents/  Guardians  and returned to the school within three days.
†    Results declared at the end of the year are final in all cases and will not be reconsidered.
Class VI
First Semester Planner April - September (2013-14)
Formative Assessment-  I:
English                       Book- Communicate in English / Grammar & more
1.      Chapter 1 – Sentences
2.      Chapter 2 - Noun
3.      Chapter 13 - E-Mail
1. Chapter 1 - Flying away forever; Activity: Reading Activity
2. Chapter 2 - Where are the cubs?; Activity: Listening Activity
3. Chapter 3 - Saving Baby; Activity: Speaking Activity
4. Chapter 4 - Birds of paradise; Activity: Recitation of poem
5. Chapter 5 - Spotty friends; Activity: Reading Activity
1. Chapter 3 - Articles
2. Chapter 4 - Pronoun
3. Chapter 13 - Diary Entry
1. Chapter 6 - My Friend & I; Listening Activity
2. Chapter 7 - Damon & Pythias; Reading Activity
3. Chapter 8 - Precious Friend; Speaking Activity
4. Chapter 9 - Of Animal bonds; Listening Activity
1. Chapter 5 - Adjectives                                                      
2. Chapter 6 - Verbs   
3. Chapter 13 - Essay                                                 
1. Chapter 10 - A visit to dentist; Activity: Reading Activity
2. Chapter 11 - Work Together; Listening Activity
3. Chapter 12 - An information bureau; Speaking Activity   
4. Chapter 13 - Interview With Sachin; Speaking Activity
5. Chapter 14 - Bend it like Beckham; Speaking Activity

                             ,Q %,& 1
ikB &1   % izkFkZuk(dfork)
fdz;kdyki & lLoj dfork okpu
ikB &2 %% bdoky dk liuk(lR;dFkk
fdz;kdyki& f[kykfM;ks ds fp= yxkukA
ikB &3 % isM ikS/ks dh nqfu;k (ys[k
fdz;kdyki&fHkUu&fHkUu ikS/kksabdV~Bk djukA
ikB &4  % ghjs eksrh (dgkuh)
fdz;kdyki& le; vkSj deZ ds egRo dks le>kuk]fp=ks ds ek/;e ls Li”Vhdj.kA
ladsrksa ds vk/kkj ij fucU/k dh jpuk ] vkosnu i= ]  ladsrksa ds vk/kkj ij dgkuh dh jpuk ]
 fyax ]opu ] foykse “kCn ] o.kZ ] Hkkik ] “kCn ]la+Kk ]okD;

,Q %,& 2
ikB &5 % izkdzfrd lkSan;Z
fdz;kdyki  isM ikS/ks dh nqfu;k (ys[k
ikB &6 % nks csyks dh dFkk (dgkuh
fdz;kdyki& tkuojks ds fp= fpidkuk o vuqPNsn fy[kukA
ikB &7 % dqRrks ls lko/kku (gkL;&O;aX; ,dkadh
fdz;kdyki& iksLVj cukuk
ikB &8 %drZO;fu"Bk
fdz;kdyki& iksLVj cukuk fp= jpuk
,Q , 2 O;kdj.k
fucU/k ] i= ] dgkuh ] Ik;kZ;okph ”kCn ]
 okD;ka”k ds fy;s ,d “kCn ] eqgkojs&yksdksfDr;kWa

,l , 1 lkfgR;
  mijksDr dk;Z ikB1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 rFkk
ikB &9 % ,d cwn (dfork
fdz;kdyki& & lLoj dfork okpu
ikB &10 % viuh dekbZ(dgkuh
fdz;kdyki& vuqPNsn fy[kukA
,l , 1 O;kdj.k
fucU/k ] i= ] dgkuh ] Ik;kZ;okph ”kCn ]
 okD;ka”k ds fy;s ,d “kCn ] eqgkojs&yksdksfDr;kWa
                    mijksDr dk;Z   
fucU/k ] vukSipkfjd i= ] dgkuh ] fyax ]opu ] foykse “kCn ] o.kZ ] Hkkik ] “kCn ]la+Kk ]
Ik;kZ;okph ”kCn ] okD;ka”k ds fy;s ,d “kCn ] eqgkojs&yksdksfDr;kWa] fxurh]
 bDdlB ls lRrj rd  ] fgUnh eghuksa ds uke&pS= ]cSlk[k ]T;s’B ]vkikM- Jko.k ]Hkknzin                                                               

Name of the book- Integrated Social science
Publisher- Ratna Sagar
Chapter No.
Chapter Name
Studying the past
Write down in 200 words about any of the monuments that you have visited.

Eary Humans-1
Find more pictures of Paleolithic habitation. Observe them and write down the things you find most interesting about these pictures.
The earth and the solar system
Collect interesting facts about every planet of our solar system.

Latitudes and Longitudes
Pick up a globe or a map. Name three countries which lie on the equator ,tropic of cancer and tropic of capricorn.
Unity in diversity
Prepare a list of official language of each state and union territory

Chapter No.
Chapter Name
Early Humans-2
Draw the diagram to show the three different stages of the stone age.

The first cities
You have learnt many things about the harappan civilization. Out of all these things, what do you feel the most interesting feature of this civilization. Discuss?
Motions of the earth
Draw a chart to show the concept of seasons

Globes and maps
Draw a physical map of India in notebook.
All human beings are equal
Discuss what you, as students, can do to remove prejudices and discrimination against the disabled?

Chapter No.
Chapter Name

Studying the past

Early Humans-2

The age of the vedas

The Early Kingdom

The earth and the solar system

Latitudes and Longitudes

Motions of the earth

Globes and maps

Unity in diversity

All human beings are equal


Name of the book – Start up                                         Pub – Viva
Ch. No.      Name                                                       Activities
01                   Sources of food                                                Making a scrapbook of food plants
02                   components of food                                      To test for the presence of starch in a food item
03                   Separation of substances                             To separate mud and water by sedimentation
05                   Grouping material of                                      To differentiate between transparent ,
        different kinds                                                  translucent and opaque materials
04                   Materials of daily use :clothes    To understand spinning of cotton yarn
09                   Plants –Form &Function                               Garden activity to identify the types of plants
10                   Animals –Form &Function                            To study the human skeleton
16                   Importance of water                                      To show availability of water on earth on a chart
                                                        (Chs of FA-1&FA-2 and Ch 6 How things change )

Book Name: Maths Sight                                                                                            
Publisher: Britannica Educational Publishing
Chapter No.
Chapter Name
Knowing Our Numbers
Using numbers cards to create the largest 5-digit number and rounding off the numbers nearest to thousand in a place value mat through game played by two students
Playing With Numbers
To play with numbers by using basic operations
To find HCF of two given numbers experimentally
Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers
To demonstrate a magic Square (4*4) by ‘Cup Method’.

To develop the concept of additions of integers
To Find the sum of two fractional numbers by activity method
To understand the addition of two decimal numbers
Introduction To Algebra
To develop the concept of terms ,factors,numericalcoffiencnt types of algebraic expressions

Book Name-PASSWORD                                                                                                               Class-VI
Formative Assessment 1
Chapter no.
Chapter name
Lab Activity
Class Activity
Computer Fundamentals
Show different input devices and output devices.
Draw Input process Output cycle.
Operating System
Show different version and various features of operating system
Write various types of operating system
Formatting and creating tables in word
Student could make their time table in word.
Write down the steps to adding row and column in a table.

Formative Assessment 2
Compare and contrast the use of MS Word and MS Excel
What are the
advantages of using MS-Excel
Working in MS-Excel
Create a given worksheet in Excel
Discuss and write the advantages of using Spreadsheet software over the manual Spreadsheets.
Formatting a worksheet in Excel
Open previously saved Excel file and try to change colour,font size and formatting styles
Write down the shortcut keys for various things like to copy, to cut and many more


General Knowledge                Book- Navigator (Wordsworth)
FA1 : Unit-1 : I love My India & Unit-2 :Science and Technology
Name Of The Chapter                                   Pg.No
1.) Women chief Minister Of India                  5
2.)India’s Geographical Extremes                  6
3.) Contribution of India to World                   7
4.) Rural India                                                 8
5.) Indian Heritage                                          9
6.) Science at Home                                        10
7.) Space Terms                                              11
8.) Computer geeks                                         12
9.)Disastrous Diseases                                    13
FA2 : Unit3 : Sports &Unit-4 Plants & Animals
10.) My Playground                                        14
11.) Sports stadium in India                            15
12.) International Stars at London Olympics  16
13.) Extremes Sports                                       17
14.) Animals Records Holder                          21
15.)Medical Value Of plants                           22
16.) Animals Kingdom                                    23
17)  Animals quiz                                            24
 SA1 : Unit 5: Language & Literature & Unit 6 : Personality Development 
18.) It’s Reading time                                      25
19.) Idioms In English                                     26
20.) Phobia is scary                                        27
21.) Indian Languages                                   28
22. Taking initiatives                                       29
23. Are you stressed?                                      30
24 Rain Harvesting                                         31


ikirAw klwp-
·   khwxI rcn pRqIXogqw,kivqw pwT pRqIXogqw,AiBnY klw[
·   sMvwd-lyKx, nwt- klw, vwd-ivvwd[
·   svY ricq kivqw,khwxI rcnw,kivqw-pwT,ilKqI qy mOiKk pRXog[
·   Axif~Tw pYrHw, khwxI-rcnw,sPYd borf qy iliKq AiBAws [


Activity: Assessing honesty through questionnaire.
·   Collect from library/internet at least one story/anecdote/event on honesty.
Activity: Identifying the name of voluntary organizations in our society which provide the services to help the people in need.
Field trip: A visit to any one organization working for the benefit of society. e.g.: organization working for the welfare of poor or school dropout children, institute providing health care to slum dwellers, organization fighting for a better environment.
Activity: List out the points that you could do to utilize your time most effectively
·   Prepare morning and evening time table.
Activity: As a student what steps you would take to strengthen “unity in diversity” in your school.
·   Collage making on dance forms of India, martial art forms of India, native games, herbs, dress forms and food forms of India.
Activity : Collect the information on the great leaders
·   Identify few skills which would help you become a good leader
Aao3ma\ Asatao maa sad\gamaya . Aao3ma\ tmasaao jyaaoitga-maya. Aao3ma\ maR%yaaomaa- AmaRtma\ gamaya.

Aao3ma\    ivaSvaaina dova saivatdu-irtaina prasauva . yad\Bad`M tnna Aasauva.1.

Aao3ma\  ihrNyagaBa-: samava

Aao3ma\   ya Aa%mada balada yasya ivaSva ]pasato p`iSaYaM yasya dovaa: . yasya Cayaa|maRtM yasya maR%yau: ksmaO dovaaya hivaYaa ivaQaoma.3.

Aao3ma\    ya: p`aNatao inaimaYatao maih%vaOk|[d`ajaa jagatao baBaUva.
ya [-Sao Asya iWpdScatuYpd: ksmaO dovaaya hivaYaa ivaQaoma.4.

1.   Still life with pencil shading-1.
2.   Still life with pencil shading-2.
3.    Glass painting.
4.   Pen holder (triangular).
5.   Framed glass painting.
6.   Well decorated pen holder.
7.   Paper relief.
8.   Paper collage.
9.   Landscape with pencil shading.
10.  Landscape with oil pastel.
11. Independence Day scene.
12. Landscape with pen drawing.
13. Mosaic painting with buttons.

1.   Prayer, Bhajan
2.   Songs (English, hindi, patriotic)
3.   Alankar
4.   Knowledge about various personalities related to music
5.   Group song
6.   Playing of instrument (congo)

1.   Ganesh and saraswati vandna
2.   Dancing to the beats on different rhythm
Subject to change depending upon the prevalent circumstances.
Result Formula
Term I (April-September)  Marks Weightage
Formative Assessment I   - 10% Formative Assessment II - 10%
Summative Assessment I                         30%

Term II (October-March)  Marks Weightage
Second Semester Planner October March (2012-13)
Formative Assessment- III:
FA3                     Grammar
Chapter No.                Name of the Chapter
7.)                                Tenses
8.)                                Voice
13.)                              Formal letter
Chapter No.                Name of the Chapter                                      Activity
16.)                              The Indian Touch                                           Speaking Activity
17.)                               The Christmas Feast                                       Reading Activity
18.)                              Dal Delight                                                     Reading Activity
19.)                              It’s fun to Cook                                              Poem Recitation

FA4                     Grammar
Chapter No.                Name of the Chapter
9.)                                Adverb
10.)                              Prepositions
Chapter No.                Name of the Chapter                                      Activity
21.)                              The Doll’s festival                                           Speaking Activity
22.)                               Rusty plays Holi                                            Reading Activity
23.)                              The song from Heaven                                    Listening Activity
24.)                              Idh-al-fitr                                                        Listening Activity

SA2                   Grammar
Chapter No.                Name of the Chapter                                     
11.)                              Conjunctions                                                 
13.)                              Newspaper Report
14.)                              Poster             
Chapter No.                Name of the Chapter                                      Activity
25.)                              My Schooldays                                               Listening Activity
26.)                              Totto-chan                                                       Speaking Activity
27.)                              Poor George                                                   Reading  Activity
28.)                              A Teacher of all season                                   Literary Device Activity


,Q , 3
ikB &11 % vnHkqr nku (dgkuh
fdz;kdyki& fp= fp=.kA
ikB &12 % iksaxy (lkaLdfrd fojklr
fdz;kdyki& R;ksgkjks ds fp= bdVBk djuk o jax HkjukA
ikB &13% ge rqEgs ejus u nsaxs (dfork
fdz;kdyki&usg: th ij vuqPNsn fy[kuk A
ikB &14 %ifjJe dk Qy ehBk (dgkuh
fdz;kdyki& ifjJe dk iSlk dekus ds Hkko tkxzr djukA
,Q , 3 O;kdj.k
fucU/k ] i= ] dgkuh ] milxZ izR;; ]fdz;k ]dky ]

,Q , 4
ikB &15 %vkRe ifjorZu
fdz;kdyki& ifjJe dk iSlk dekus ds Hkko tkxzr djukA
ikB &16 %fi=hHkDr JOk.k
fdz;kdyki& izkphu dFkk Jo.kA
ikB &17% deZohj (dfork)
fdz;kdyki& lLoj dfork okpu
ikB &18% le; cMk vueksy
fdz;kdyki& f'kD'kkizn okpu
,Q , 4 O;kdj.k
fucU/k ] vkSipkfjd i=  ] dgkuh ] vfodkjh “kCn ] fyfi ] fojke fpUg ] fo”ksi.k ] okP; ]
,l , 2 lkfgR;
         ikB  11 ls 18 rFkk
ikB &19 %tkdks jk[ks lkb;kW (dgkuh
fdz;kdyki&fp= dksykt cukuk
ikB &20 %pkWnh dh Vksdjh (dgkuh
fdz;kdyki&,d Vksdjh cukuk o ltkukA

,l , 2 O;kdj.k
                     mijksDr dk;Z   
fucU/k ] i= ] dgkuh ] milxZ izR;; ]fdz;k ]dky ]
vfodkjh “kCn ] fyfi ] fojke fpUg ] fo”ksi.k ] okP; ]lfU/k]
fyax ]opu ] foykse “kCn ] o.kZ ] Hkkik “kCn ]la+Kk ]loZuke ] okD;
Ik;kZ;okph ”kCn ] okD;ka”k ds fy;s ,d “kCn ] eqgkojs&yksdksfDr;kWa ]fxurh ] bDdgrj ls vLlh rd ] fgUnh eghuksa ds uke&vkf”ou ] dkfZZrZd] ekxZ”khi ]ikSi ]ek/k Qkxqu                               

Chapter No.
Chapter Name
Growth of new ideas
Do you see any similarities between the early lives of Budha and Mahavira? Discuss.

The first empire-the mauryans
Find out more about the city of Patna today. See how different it is form the city Patliputra of the Mauryan empire.
Major domains of the earth
Take a world map and use different colour pencils to mark the seven continents and the five oceans. Also find out the following:- Which is the largest ocean, second largest continent and smallest continent in terms of area?

Major landforms of the earth
Collect various pictures from newspaper and magazines relating to mountains. You can also look for picture relating to farming, house, sports etc. Make a collage of these pictures clearly with their significance.
Forms of government
Name a few countries which still have monarchy.

Prepare a note on Nelson Mandela

Panchayati Raj system
Make a list of all the states and union territories which have not implemented panchayat system

Chapter No.
Chapter Name
Life in villages and towns
Patliputra, Hastinapur and Rajagriha are ancient names of cities. Find out modern names of cities, present polulation and famous tourist places.

The post- Mauryan period
Collect some pictures that show how the city of Mathura looks today and paste the pictures in your notebook. Add your comments on the chart describing what you feel about the pictures.
India- location and political divisions
Find out the largest state, largest union territory, smallest state and smallest union territory of India.

India- Physical features.
Find out about the famous deltas of the world and write few lines about them.
Local self government in urban areas
Prepare a small article about the municipal commissioner of your city

District administration
Make a report on the ward councillor of your area. While about the issues taken up by her with the corporation.

Chapter No.
Chapter Name

Growth of new ideas

The first empire- the Mauryans

The Gupta and the post Gupta period

Culture and science in the ancient periods

India- location and political divisions.

India- physical features

India- climate conditions

India- natural vegetation and wildlife.

Rural livelihoods

Urban livelihoods

07                   Things around us                                              To show release of carbon dioxide during respiration
08                   The habitat of the living                                Identify the living things found in different                                                                  habitats
11                   Motion and measurement                          To understand oscillatory and vibratory motion                                                         of distances       
12                   Electrical current & circuits                           To observe the components of an electric cell    .                                                                                                                      
13                   Magnets                                                              To observe attraction and repulsion of                                                                                                                                           magnetic poles
14                   Rain, Thunder and Lightning        To understand condensation of water vapor present in air
15                   Light                                                                      To observe that light travels in a straight line
17                   Importance of air                                             To observe that oxygen present in air is needed for                                                                                                                combustion       
                                                                                        SA-2                                                                                                                                                                                               (FA-3  & FA-4   and Ch-18 Waste )
                                                                        PROJECTS (SCIENCE)
May - Collect pictures and information on animals whose hair are used as wool . Paste their pictures               in a scrapbook and write information against each
August - Collect leaves of 10 different plants and dry them .Paste the leaves in a scrapbook with                            their name
Nov. - Make a lemon battery (In the class room )
Jan. - Make a PowerPoint presentation on air and air pollution
Linear Equations
To understand the concept of solving a linear equation in one variable
Ratio and Proportions
To develop the concept of direct Proportions
Basic Geometrical Concepts
Making a Protractor using Paper-folding method
Understanding Elementary Shapes
To make designs with seven pieces of a Tangram

Types of Quadrilaterals and solid shapes
To make a Rhombus by Paper Folding
To determine the lines of the following Flags

Perimeter and Area
To verify the formula of the Perimeter of a four sided figure by using matchsticks

Formative Assessment- III:
More on PowerPoint
Create a presentation on the topic of internet and traffic rules
How will you apply animation effects to a slide? Explain
Advance features in Excel
Open Excel program and on sheet1, write two days and generate the series. Sort the
data alphabetically
Write steps to remove filter option.
Electronic mail
Demonstrate and help the students to create their e-mail account
Differentiate between e-mail and postal mail

Formative Assessment 4
Computer Ethics and safety
Demonstrate how to use a antivirus software
What is ethical computing
Internet and network
Demonstrate them different web browser
Write two search engines


FA3 : UNIT-7: General Awareness & Unit: Our World
25) Did you know                                            32
26. What’s your hobby?                                  33
27.  The busiest Airports of the worlds            34
28. Future to come                                          35
29. Guinness World Record                            36
30. Famous Personality Of World                  38
31.) Asia                                                          39
32.) Amazing Structures Of the World            40
FA4: UNIT:9: Art & Entertainment  
33.) Famous Indian Artists                              46
34.) Great Musician of the world                    47
35.) Modern Forms of Dances                        48
SA2 : UNIT:10:  Our Environment& Unit 11 : Real Life Skills
36.) Famous Environmentalists                      49
37.) Water Falls                                              50
38.) Environmental Quiz                                 51
39.) Time to Decide                                         52
40.) Know yourself Worth                               53

Formative Assessment- III:

1.   Landscape with poster colours
2.   Landscape with texture
3.   Rangoli making
4.   Greeting card with weaving and quilling
5.   Block printing
6.   Calligraphy using two pencils
7.   Flowers with paper folding (crepe paper)
8.   Poster making on save water
9.   Poster making on save energy
10.  Composition with colour gradation
11.  Composition with stippling
12.  Poster making on save nature
Activity:  Collect the information about the personalities who faced challenges and have overcome them to achieve success.
Activity: Interactive classroom discussion on what steps should be considered to change from a negative frame to a positive frame of mind.
·   Identify and read the books from library that deal with positive thinking
Activity :  Role play to a given situation, b)  draw a picture to show courage in action and write an apt slogan
Activity: Checklist to assess modesty in children, b) Write a paragraph on the most modest person of your family.
Activity:  Make a list of the things you would want to store in the first aid box of your class.
Presentations on
·        How to deal with examination stress?
·        Homework struggles.
·        Positive thinking.

Aao3ma\ Asatao maa sad\gamaya . Aao3ma\ tmasaao jyaaoitga-maya. Aao3ma\ maR%yaaomaa- AmaRtma\ gamaya.
Aao3ma\    ivaSvaaina dova saivatdu-irtaina prasauva . yad\Bad`M tnna Aasauva.1.
Aao3ma\  ihrNyagaBa-: samava
Aao3ma\   ya Aa%mada balada yasya ivaSva ]pasato p`iSaYaM yasya dovaa: . yasya Cayaa|maRtM yasya maR%yau: ksmaO dovaaya hivaYaa ivaQaoma.3.
Aao3ma\    ya: p`aNatao inaimaYatao maih%vaOk|[d`ajaa jagatao baBaUva.
ya [-Sao Asya iWpdScatuYpd: ksmaO dovaaya hivaYaa ivaQaoma.4.
1.   Bhajan, Vandna
2.   Alankar
3.   Songs (English, hindi, patriotic)
4.   Playing of instrument (congo, harmonium)
5.   Christmas carols
6.   Theory part(basic)

1.   Hand movements used in dance

Subject to change depending upon the prevalent circumstances.

Result Formula

Term I (April-September)   Marks Weightage
Formative Assessment I    10%
Formative Assessment II   10%
Summative Assessment I  30%
Term II (October-March)   Marks Weightage
Formative Assessment III      10%
Formative Assessment II        10%
Summative Assessment II       30%

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