Friday, April 19, 2013

Annual Syllabus for Class V

Quarterly Planner
Class-V Unit I
April-August  (2013-14)
To develop the ability to :
a.   listen and read with understanding and to comprehend ideas. b.   comprehend and reproduce text.
c.   think and use imagination to write Paragraphs, Guided Composition, Informal Letters, Notices, Picture Composition, Dialogue Completion, Messages , description of an imaginary incident etc.
Informal Letters, Notices, Picture Composition, Dialogue Completion, Messages , description of an imaginary incident etc.
d.   handle important areas of grammar like Nouns,Verbs, Adjectives ( degrees), Tenses(Present, Past and Future Continuous), Homophones, Suffix and Prefix, Editing Antonyms, Adverbs etc.
e.   to develop and enhance Communication Skills.
f.    to inculcate love for reading and appreciating literary text. g.   using directory

To learn about:
a.       Place value
b.      Four Operations
c.       Factors and Multiples
d.      Basics of Geometry
e.      Exploration of Shapes & Patterns
f.        Measurement

1.  To know about World of Animals
2.  To know about reproduction in plants
3.  To know about Food, Health & Hygiene
4.  To know about Force, Work & Energy
5.  To know about Our Body

B. Social Concepts
1.         To know about planet earth.
2.         To understand about Parallels & Meridians.
3.         To know about major landforms.
4.         To understand the rights and duties as mentioned in our constitution.
5.         To understand the movement of earth and its effects (formation of day and night and causes of seasons).
6.         To understands the concept of natural disaster and learn the safety measures.
7.         To understands the impact of coming of the British.

To develop
1)        interest in art and craft activities .
2)        the ability to draw showing creativity and imagination.
3)        the ability to create objects from the given material.
4)        the ability to use colours appropriately and imaginatively.
5)        the qualities of observation,  imagination and self expression.

Book- Communicate in English / Learning English for Kids
1.      Chapter 1 – Sentences
2.      Chapter 2 - Subject & predicate
3.      Chapter 3 – Noun
4.      Chapter 4 - Collective Noun
5.      Chapter 5 - Nouns: gender
1. Chapter 1 - The Friendship; Activity: Reading Activity
2. Chapter 2 - A Country’s Childhood; Activity: Listening Activity
3. Chapter 3 - Robots Don’t lie!; Activity: Speaking  Activity


bZdkbZ %& 1

ikB &1 % dkWVks esa jkg cukrs gSa (dfork
fdz;kdyki& lLoj dfork okpu
ikB &2% bZ'ojpanzfo|klkxj (fp=dFkk
fdz;kdyki& fdlh Hkh dke dks NksVk ;k cMk uk le>ukAviuk dke Lo;adjus dh vknr dk fodkl
ikB &3 % Hkkjr dksfdyk (ys[k
fdz;kdyki& dfork laxzg djuk o eSxthu cukukA
ikB &4 % Qwy vkSj dkWVk (dfork
fdz;kdyki& lLoj dfork okpu
ikB &5 % lR;oknh gfj’kpanz (dgkuh
fdz;kdyki& lR; dh jkg ij pyuk ]lius esa fn, x, okns dks iwjk djukA
ikB &6% ;{k ;qf/k”Bj laokn
fdz;kdyki&thou es dqN lR; dk Kku]ijs’kkuh es /ks;Z u [kksuk]pkSj o ikls cukukA
O;kdj.k fucU/k ] dgkuh  ] o.kZ ] Hkkik ] “kCn ]la+Kk ] vifBr xn;ka”k
*dfork izfr;ksfxrk
 fn, x, foi; ij vius fopkj crkuk

1. Chapter 1 - Place value; Activity: Make Indian and International Place Value Chart in Scrap file
2. Chapter 2 - The four operations; Activity:
3. Chapter 3 - Factors and Multiples; Activity: Find all the prime numbers by 'The Sieve of Eratosthenes' method And Using Factor Board in Maths Lab.
4. Chapter 6 - Geometry Basics; Activity:

Name of the book – Start up                                                  Pub – Viva
1.       Chapter 1 - The world of animals; Activity: Playing of Snake Board game
2. Chapter 2 - Reproduction in plants; Activity: To observe the germination of seeds
3. Chapter 3 - Food, Health & Hygiene; Activity: Read ' Nutritional Information' printed on packed food items such as packets of milk and biscuits, cartons of juice, etc. Note down the amount of different components present in the food in the note book.
4. Chapter 9 - Force, Work and Energy; Activity: To see the elastic force by stretching the rubber
5. Chapter 4 - Our Body; Activity: To understand the function of our body muscles

1.       Chapter 1 - Know your Planet; Activity: Map work (Continents and the Oceans of the world)
2.       Chapter 2 - Parallels and meridians; Activity: Find out 5 countries which lie on the equator. Study their climatic conditions.
3.       Chapter 3 - Major landforms; Activity: Identify the pictures given and answer the question
4.       Chapter 4 - Natural Resources; Activity: Make a poster on "conserve natural resources"
5.       Chapter 5 - Weather and climate; Activity: Record the daily weather of your city from your local newspaper for the next 7 days.
6.       Chapter 6 - The land of dense forests, the democratic republic of the Congo            
7.       Chapter 7 - The land of snow, Greenland; Activity: Collect the pictures related to the tundra region and write down 10 lines on the life in the tundra region.
8.       Chapter 8 - The land of sand, Saudi Arabia; Activity: Paste pictures in your notebook showing the life of people in the desert and also write down 10 lines about the life of people in the desert.


Chapter No.

Chapter Name

Lab Activity

Class activity
Generation of computers
Show Them Different Generations of Computers
Discuss and make  a comparison table of various generation of computer
Computer Languages
Write down about different languages in Ms-Word
Write down the names of different High level Languages
Files and Folders in Windows xp
‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ Things happening in Computer Lab
Discuss and Write the full form of extensions

General Knowledge
1.   Unit 1 to 4
2.   General Awareness and Current Affairs
Chapter 1 - 4
Yoga asana: Padma asana. This asana would help the children build in self- awareness. It also improves the mental performance and sharpens the concentration.
maM~aoccaarNa :
Aao3ma\Asatao maa sad\gamaya . Aao3ma\ tmasaao jyaaoitga-maya. Aao3ma\ maR%yaaomaa- AmaRtma\ gamaya.

Aao3ma\ BaUBau-va: sva:.t%saivatuva-roNyaM Bagaao- dovasya QaImaih. iQayaao yaao na: p`caaodyaat\.1.

Aao3ma\  ivaSvaaina dova saivatdu-irtaina prasauva . yad\Bad`M tnna Aasauva.2.

Aao3ma\   yaaM maoQaaM dovagaNaa: iptrScaaopasato.
tyaa maamaV maoQayaagnao maoQaaivanaM ku$ .3.

Aao3ma\tojaao|isa tojaao maiya doih. Aao3ma\ vaIya-maisa vaIya-ma\ maiya doih. Aao3ma\ balamaisa balaM maiya doih.

1)        Pg no. 4 to Pg no. 12
2)        Composition with secondary colours
3)        Geometrical designs
4)        Composition with poster colours
5)        Landscape with pencil shading
6)        Glass painting on transparency
7)        Poster on global warming

1.        Prayer, Bhajan
2.         Songs (English, Hindi, patriotic)
3.         Group song
4.         Playing of instrument ( congo)
1.        Ganesh vandna
2.         Basic steps of western dance
Inter house activities would be conducted every Saturday.
The list of activities to be conducted would be intimated to the student in the class. The information for the same will be provided in school almanac.
Subject to change depending upon the prevalent circumstances.


Assessment of 25 marks will be taken twice in a Unit for all the subjects (English, Hindi, Math, Science, Social Studies and Computer Science) G.K and Mental Math Quizzes will be taken once in a month.

Quarterly Planner
Class-V Unit II
September -December  (2012-13)
To develop the ability to :
a.   listen and read with understanding and to comprehend ideas.
b.   comprehend and reproduce text.
c.   think and use imagination to write Paragraphs, Guided Composition, Informal Letters, Notices, Picture Composition, Dialogue Completion, Messages ,  description of an imaginary incident etc.
d.   handle important areas of grammar like Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives (degrees), Tenses(Present, Past and Future Continuous), Homophones, Suffix and Prefix, Editing Antonyms, Adverbs etc.
e.  To develop and enhance Communication Skills.
f.  To inculcate love for reading and appreciating literary text. g.   Using Dictionary
Learning about:
1.       Exploring shapes & patterns
2.       Measurement
3.       Fractions
A. Scientific Concepts.
1. To know about Nervous System
2. To know about Simple Machines
3. To know about Natural Disasters
4. To know about Rocks and Minerals
B. Social Concepts
1.        To understand the different temperature zone and it's marking on the map.
2.        To understand about the environment.
3.        To understand about Pollution
4.        To understand about the Natural disasters.
5.        To understand about various modes of transport
6.         To understand about different types of means of communication.
7.         To understand about importance of website.
8.         To understand about the healthy way of living.

To develop :
1.  interest in art and craft activities .
2.  the ability to draw showing creativity and imagination.
3.  the ability to create objects from the given material.
4.  the ability to use colours appropriately and imaginatively.
5. the qualities of observation,  imagination and self expression

1. Chapter 6 - Adjectives
2. Chapter 7 - Degrees of Adjectives
3. Chapter 8 - Articles
4. Chapter 9 - Pronoun
5. Chapter 10 – Verb
6. Chapter 11 - Tense                                                
7. Chapter 12 - Simple present tense
8. Chapter 13 - Present continuous tense
9.      Chapter 14 - Simple Past tense
10.  Chapter 15 - Past Continuous Tense                                                      

1.      Chapter 4 - The Balloon-seller; Reading Activity
2.      Poem - My Tree; Listening Activity
3.      Chapter 5 - A Robbery; Activity: Listening Activity
4.      Chapter 6 - The Angry dragon; Activity: Speaking Activity


bZdkbZ %& 2
ikB&7^ psrd dfork okpu
fdz;kdyki&/kksMs dk fp= fp=.k
ikB &8 % izsj.kk dh jkg ij (izjsd izlax
fdz;kdyki& egkiqj”kks ds fo”k; esa d{kk esa ppkZ A
ikB &9 % xqyhoj dh ;k=k (dgkuh
fdz;kdyki& nwljs nhi ds yksxks da ckjs tkuuk A
ikB &10% nh, dk vfHkeku (dfork)
fdz;kdyki&Qwyks ds ek/;e ls nh, dkfuekZ.k djukA
ikB &11 % ckyd panzxqIr (izlax
fdz;kdyki& fuMj jguk]dfBukb;ksa dk lkeuk djukA
ikB &12 %
fdz;kdyki&nksgks dk laxzg djukA
fucU/k ] i= ] dgkuh ] fyax ]opu ] foykse “kCn ] o.kZ ] Hkkik ] “kCn ]la+Kk ]
Ik;kZ;okph ”kCn ] okD;ka”k ds fy;s ,d “kCn ] eqgkojs] vifBr xn;ka”k
vfrfjDr xfrfof/k;kW %
* dfork izfr;ksfxrk
* igsyh izfr;ksfxrk

Ch 7
Exploring shapes and patterns

Ch 8

Ch 4

Ch 5

Ch 9
Area and Perimeter

1. Chapter 5 - Our nervous system; Activity: To check taste buds of our tongue
2. Chapter 10 - Simple machines; Activity: By showing the simple machines, understand their working process
3. Chapter 14 - Natural Disasters; Activity: Find the names of 5 volcanoes along with their location
4. Chapter 6 - Rocks and Minerals; Activity: On the physical map of India & locate Petroleum, Natural gas & Coal reserves



Chapter 4
Editing the Text in Ms-Word
Create the Following Paragraph in word
b) Virus
Write down the buttons with diagram to change the view of document
Chapter 5
Discuss various tools of PowerPoint
How could following people could use PowerPoint Presentations
b) Doctor
Chapter 6
More on PowerPoint
Discuss  auto Content Wizard to  create a  Ppt
Write Down the steps for adding a new slide to existing PowerPoint Presentations

General Knowledge
1.   Unit 5 - 7
2.   General Awareness and Current Affairs
GK will be assessed on the basis of monthly GK Quiz

Ch 5 - 8
Yoga asana: pranayam and kapalbharti
It facilitates the learning efficiency and increases the immunity in children. It improves the postures and maintains the energy levels of children.
maM~aoccaarNa :
Aao3ma\Asatao maa sad\gamaya . Aao3ma\ tmasaao jyaaoitga-maya. Aao3ma\ maR%yaaomaa- AmaRtma\gamaya.
Aao3ma\ BaUBau-va: sva:.t%saivatuva-roNyaM Bagaao- dovasya QaImaih.
iQayaao yaao na: p`caaodyaat\.1.

Aao3ma\  ivaSvaaina dova saivatdu-irtaina prasauva . yad\Bad`M tnna Aasauva.2.

Aao3ma\ yaaM maoQaaM dovagaNaa: iptrScaaopasato.
tyaa maamaV maoQayaagnao maoQaaivanaM ku$ .3.

Aao3ma\tojaao|isa tojaao maiya doih. Aao3ma\ vaIya-maisa vaIya-ma\ maiya doih. Aao3ma\ balamaisa balaM maiya doih.

1)        Pg no.13 to 18, Pg 20, 22 - 24, 38 to Pg no. 40
2)        Greeting with quilling
3)        Winter scene
4)        Block printing with sponge block
5)        Christmas scene
1.        Bhajan
2.        Alankar
3.        Songs (English, hindi)
4.        Christmas carols
5.        Playing of instrument (harmonium)
1.        Dance on bhajan
2.        Difference between Indian and western dance
3.        Dance on Christmas song

Inter house activities would be conducted every Saturday.
The list of activities to be conducted would be intimated to the student in the class. The information for the same will be provided in school almanac.
Subject to change depending upon the prevalent circumstances.

Assessment of 25 marks will be taken twice in a Unit for all the subjects (English, Hindi, Math, Science, Social Studies and Computer Science) G.K and Mental Math Quizzes will be taken once in a month.

Quarterly Planner
Class-V Unit III
January - March  (2012-13)
Language Skills
1. To develop the ability to :
(a)  listen and read with understanding and to comprehend ideas.
(b)   comprehend and reproduce text.
(c)  think and use imagination to write Paragraphs, Guided Composition, Informal Letters,  Notices, Picture Composition, Dialogue  Completion, Messages ,description of an imaginary incident etc.
(d)   handle important areas of grammar like Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives (degrees), Tenses(Present, Past and Future Continuous), Homophones, Suffix and Prefix, Editing Antonyms, Adverbs etc.
(e)   Using Dictionary
2. To develop and enhance Communication Skills.
3.  To inculcate love for reading and appreciating literary text.

Learning about:
Volume and Nets

Time and Temperature

Mapping skills

A. Scientific Concepts.
1.    To know about Force, Work and Energy
2.    To know about Essential for life: Air and Water
3.    To know about Earth, Sun and Moon
4.    To know about Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tidal Waves

B. Social Concepts:
1.        To understand the concept of our environment.
2.        To understand the concept of pollution and measures to control pollution.
3.        To understand the importance to conserve our environment.
4.        To understand the advancement in the field of communication.
5.        To learn about the people who fought for the independence of our country.
6.        To learn about the people who work for the upliftment of our society.
7.        To understand the festivals that is celebrated throughout the world.
To develop and enhance:
1.     good memory skills.
2.     the ability to think logically and apply the knowledge gained.
3.     the ability to solve problems.

To develop :
1.     interest in art and craft activities .
2.     the ability to draw showing creativity and imagination.
3.     the ability to create objects from the given material.
4.     the ability to use colours appropriately and imaginatively.
5.     the qualities of observation,  imagination and self expression.

1. Chapter 16 - Simple future tense
2. Chapter 17 - Future continuous tense
3. Chapter 18 - Letter Writing
4. Chapter 19 – Adverbs
5. Chapter 20 – Prepositions
6. Chapter 21 - Conjunctions
7. Chapter 26 - Paragraph Writing
8. Chapter 23 - Confusing words.
9. Chapter 18 - Giving & Taking Instructions                                  
10. Chapter 22 - Punctuation & capital letters
1.      Chapter 7 - The Story of Ice-cream; Activity: Speaking Activity
2.      Poem - The Sea; Activity: Reading Activity
3.      Chapter 8 - Daddy dickens & his Chickens; Activity: Reading Activity
4.      Chapter 9 - Roberto’s Magical Clocks; Activity: Listening Activity
5.      Chapter 10 - Our Wonderful brain; Activity: Speaking Activity
6.      Chapter 11 - Tenali paints a house; Activity: Reading Activity
7.      Chapter 12 - Uncle Kent at the wicket; Activity: Jumble word Activity.     

bZdkbZ %& 3

ikB &13 % migkj (dgkuh
fdz;kdyki& isM ]unh dk fp= cukuk
ikB &14 % xje tkequ (gkL; O;aX; dgkuh
fdz;kdyki& jax Hkjuk ]viuh cqfnekuh ij ?keaM uk djuk
ikB &15 % Hkkjr I;kjk ns’k gekjk (dfork
fdz;kdyki& lLoj dfork okpu
ikB &16 %f'k[kjks ij cuk
fdz;kdyki& lk;uk nkj [ksys x, espks dk dksykt cukukA
ikB &17 %/kjrh cpWk, (dgkuh
fdz;kdyki& lkekftd ewY;ks ij vk/kkfjr tkudkjh nsukA
ikB &18 % ? jktdqekj (dgkuh
fdz;kdyki&Hkkjr dh ikWp izfl/n bekjrks ds fp= dkWih esa fpidkvksA
fucU/k ] vkSipkfjd i= ] dgkuh ] fdz;k ]dky ] vifBr xn;ka”k
fyfi ] fo”ksi.k ] fyax ]opu ] foykse “kCn ] o.kZ ] Hkkik] “kCn ]la+Kk ]loZuke ] Ik;kZ;okph ”kCn ] okD;ka”k ds fy;s ,d “kCn ] eqgkojs ]

1. Chapter 8 – Soil; Activity: To show how soil erosion by water & wind takes place in nature
2. Chapter 11 - Air and Water; Show that air is necessary for combustion
3. Chapter 12 - The Moon; Activity: Draw solar & lunar eclipse on a Chart.
4. Chapter 13 - Knowing our environment; Activity: Write a paragraph on relationship between a biotic & biotic components of environment
May – Make a project report on migration in animals & birds
August – Make a model of human heart
Jan. – Prepare a poster on “Save our environment”



Algorithm and Flow Chart
Discuss the flow chart to find greater of two numbers
Write down the steps of a flow chart to find greater of two number
Discuss various Features of Internet
Discuss whether internet is Boon or Curse
Virus and Antivirus
Discuss features of antivirus software
From which different ways virus can come in computer

1.   Unit 7 to 9
2.   General Awareness and Current Affairs
GK will be assessed on the basis of monthly GK Quiz
Chapter 9 onwards
maM~aoccaarNa :
Aao3ma\Asatao maa sad\gamaya .
Aao3ma\ tmasaao jyaaoitga-maya.
Aao3ma\ maR%yaaomaa- AmaRtma\gamaya.
Aao3ma\ BaUBau-va: sva:.t%saivatuva-roNyaM Bagaao- dovasya QaImaih.
iQayaao yaao na: p`caaodyaat\.1.

Aao3ma\  ivaSvaaina dova saivatdu-irtaina prasauva . yad\Bad`M tnna Aasauva.2.

Aao3ma\  yaaM maoQaaM dovagaNaa: iptrScaaopasato.
tyaa maamaV maoQayaagnao maoQaaivanaM ku$ .3.

Aao3ma\ tojaao|isa tojaao maiya doih. Aao3ma\ vaIya-maisa vaIya-ma\ maiya doih. Aao3ma\ balamaisa balaM maiya doih.

1)        Pg no.25 to Pg no.35
2)        Collage making on Indian heritage
3)        Poster on save water
4)        Poster on save energy
5)        Landscape with oil pastels

1.        Group song
2.        Songs (English, hindi, patriotic)
3.        Knowledge about various personalities related to music
1.        Dance on patriotic song
4.        Basic steps of western and folk dance
Inter house activities would be conducted every Saturday.
The list of activities to be conducted would be intimated to the student in the class. The information for the same will be provided in school almanac.
Subject to change depending upon the prevalent circumstances.

To acclimatize the children for the forthcoming class, a formal exam comprising the complete syllabus of Unit III carrying 50 marks (for each subject) would be conducted. Thorough Class Revisions-Oral as well as Written, and Mock Tests would be conducted to prepare the children for the same .
Points to Note:
³ Mock test days would be regular working days.
³ During the Final Exams, the school timings would be till 12.00 noon. (For classes V onwards only)
³ Students using school transport would be allowed to go with the first bus route on exam days.
³ Non-exam days during finals would be Preparatory leaves for the students of classes V.

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